
Research Paper On Barbus

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The Barbus barbus is usually found in freshwater lakes and rivers around the Southern Hemisphere. Their diet is meat and vegetarian meals, so they are omnivores. They like eating fish, algae, and Shrimp. While they eat fish, fish also eat them. The Barbus barbus doesn’t only have to watch out for fish, they also have to watch out for birds and reptiles.

Due to the fish’s bright colors and the small size, they are often kept in house held aquariums. There are more than 2000 different species of the Barbus barbus. The most common one to have as a pet is the Cherry Barb and the Tiger Barb. The Barbus barbus can often live between 3-7 years if not a little older. Then they usually are about 2.5cm-7cm long.

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