Hi Frieda,
It is a pleasure to read your post. From a Christian point of view, the Bible is the word of God,2 Timothy 3:16-17, Paul asserted that the Bible equips for good work, is beneficial for correction, rebuke and training in righteousness. God’s word gives the view of life and His absolute standards. The Bible is not irrelevant to ethics but, instead, it is the foundation for ethics.
You are correct that devices eliminate barriers. Smartphone’s seems to the best tool for Human Services Professionals. With your Smartphone you can take pictures, document notes, find resources, locating the home you are visiting and schedule next appointments all in one device. More than 46 percent of them use smartphones (Beil, 2012).
The Bible is arguably the most important and influential book ever published. People consult the bible to become more like Jesus or make better decisions in their life. The bible instructs people what not to do, for example the 10 commandments. Plus, the bible contains information on what people should do such as; love your neighbor and evangelize. In the book 12 Years a Slave, Tanner one of the slave owners, uses the bible to justify whipping his slaves. However, William Ford a different slave owner Solomon works for, uses the bible to teach about other things such as leading a prayerful life. Solomon thru his knowledge of the bible questions how a pious man such as master Ford could hold others under his power. Throughout the book there is
The Bible is the best-selling book of all time, and with good reason. For the stories written in it have changed the way many think and even believe when it comes to the power greater than this world. The Bible holds very specific opinions on things such as slavery, who humans should treat each other, and ultimately social justice. It has been one of the most important foundations for allowing social reform to occur in modern day history as well as the history of the whole world. However, it is forgotten in history class how prominent the ancient texts have changed the people. When looking at the history, it is discovered to be the strength of great people who have used its wisdom to bring about a change for those who could not do it on
As a Christian I rely on the holy word of God, the bible, as a guide to ethics, and morals, however not all see this the same way. Jesus Christ, his life is the model for ethics. Jesus is the Christ, he is the way. Jesus gives a guide to proper behavior and
Women have virtually the same rights as men. However, the fault needing to be recognized in today’s society is the way that women are treated. Even in simple areas, such as jobs, women are put on the back burner. A woman is able to become a CEO of a company, nonetheless, she will struggle twice as hard as a man would. Even as an employee, women are statistically paid less than men are.
Its scriptures are used as the declaration of God’s word. The bible scriptures give clear guidance for most of one’s decision making. No one has to spend a lot of time brooding if God would be satisfied with the choice that he or she will make about career or any type of decisions. The confusion comes when one can not perceive a direction from the biblical scriptures that is God’s word (Barnes, 2010). Biblical scriptures give one strength, understanding and confirmation for most problems, decisions, faith, a repetition of history, understanding of today’s time, and predictions. The bible gives a universal standard for ethical behavior (McMinn, 1996). Horton (2009) suggests that people who support biblical understanding for spiritual discernment the root of their decision making should be based on biblical standards because the bible is sound, reliable and it is God’s holy word.
With this class being my first formal encounter with Philosophy, I have learned a great deal from reading Foreman's Prelude to Philosophy. In Chapter Three, Foreman asks the question what role the Bible plays in doing philosophy especially for Christians, who take the Scriptures seriously. Many points are discussed for both extremes. On one side, you should leave the Bible out completely. To leave the Bible out would mean that we would approach philosophy with no position, neutral. It is the only way that we could maintain an open mind. Once you have done all your research, on all possible views, then you can establish your side or worldview. One problem with this stance is the difficulty for us to put away our personal biases. On the
The Bible contains sixty-six books, written by approximately forty authors, over the course of two thousand years. God created and loves humans despite their rebellious attitude towards Him, and God wants to reunite humans to Himself (Poythress, 2008). The Bible is a record of the sinful rebellion of humans and it still declares God’s love for humanity through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. This foundation prepares the way for Jesus Christ to fulfill God’s entire promised covenants.
The Bible does provide a morality for everyone because it is the word of the holy, good, God. Namely, since He is perfectly and entirely good, all that derives from, including His word, is good. Therefore, anyone who diligently and properly reads the Bible will have a correct understanding of morality. Ultimately, by understanding God's word, humanity recognizes that it is morally wrong. Paul wrote, "all have sinned" (Romans 3:23). No one has followed God's morality. The manifestation of the sinfulness of humanity is evident, and it seems that you could sadly testify of humanity's sinful nature since you have had encountered people who exercised their sinful nature. In spite of humanity's sins, the Bible teaches that God made redemption and
The Bible is actively used in daily life as an ultimate symbol of power and importance, it is read from at special occasions including weddings and funerals and in courts of law – people must swear on the Bible to tell the truth. This shows that the Bible is widely respected by Christians in daily life and by non-believers in certain ways too.
The Bible is the only book that God gave and Paul said, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and it is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may
In addition, the words in the bible are far too contradictory to be the basis of morality. Theological ethics purports that there is an objective criterion for ethics based on divine intentionality. However, the words
Every person has his own philosophy which ultimately guides him through each day. If a person believes in basic moralities, such as not lying, cheating or stealing, then his actions will project his beliefs. If one does not agree with these moralities then his actions will oppose the actions of those who do. People?s philosophies are often guided by how they were raised as children and how their mind processes information. Situations and events, positive or negative, can change how a person sees the world which affects the philosophy that they live by. A Christian?s philosophy is found in the Bible. The Bible is the Word of God which reveals how man came into existence, man?s purpose on earth and even some of God?s plan for the future. The Bible is God?s primary tool that He uses to show His love and guide a Christian through his life.
The bible was written as an account of what many viewed that God had accomplished so his actions and words could be passed on for generations. Some believe it is a literary account and some believe it is a historical account. The word of God in the bible comes in many forms and is left up to interpretation by the reader. Some believe that the word of God should be the only word and should be strictly followed. Some believe that the words are meant as a guideline to help us through life. Whatever your belief is you can always seem to find the meaning behind your belief through the word of God in the Bible.
Christianity is one of the most prominent religions in today’s society. However, when many believers are questioned on why they believe and maintain this strong view, sometimes they do not have a solid and effective response. Additionally, the official language for many believers is scriptures which is, the Bible. The Bible, is one of the greatest foundation for believing everything what we believe (Hebrews 4:12). Regrettably, not all the people believe that the Bible is a book inspired by God. Many people question the Bible accuracy, because it was written by many authors and not by someone completely Holy. The Bible is authentic because we are able to see consistency from beginning to end, all the promises within have been fulfilled and lastly external evidence supports the bible’s claim.