
Research Report On Science Fair Louis Carter

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Research Report For Science Fair Louis Carter Introduction Picture this, a child is at the store and sees a box of nuts and isn’t interested. Later down the aisle he sees a colorful box with his favorite movie character “Lightning McQueen” and begs his mother to let him buy it. Guess what’s in the box? Mixed Nuts. My question is, “Does childish packaging encourage children to want that product more compared to another of the same product with duller packaging. The purpose of this project is to not fail my class, of which this is required. In 2002 Peterson and Fjellstrom found that in the United States and other leading world countries that children have gained an increased spending power in the families. This study followed a trend showing marketers began marketing their products toward the children not the parents. It has been said that every adult product from “soup to soap” has been scaled down and “funned up” to market to younger children. An increased advertising after school and on saturday morning has been added to market toys and food to children. In a study of nutritional foods and what sells them to children, Feinstein and Lobstein defined a child’s food as any product that includes at least one of the following: a character they see in a familiar cartoon, 1 Louis Carter characters appealing to kids and teens, childish animals (like a dinosaur or

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