
Resilient Cities : Los Angeles

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Resilient Cities: Los Angeles, CA
Most cities across the globe are known for emitting high greenhouse gas levels as well as consuming fossil fuels in enormous quantities. This is as a result of poor designing when it comes to buildings and inefficient systems of transportation. Gradually, such cities are headed for collapse if they continue along that path. However, according to the authors of “Resilient Cities: Responding to Peak Oil and Climate Change”, cities can also be made resilient and hence be saved from collapse. With visionary leadership and intelligent planning, the authors believe that cities can be helped to overcome the looming crisis of climate change and peak oil. (Newman, Beatle and Boyer 1). In a practical example of the aspect of resilience and how it can be applied to save cities from collapse, this paper focuses on the City of Los Angeles, CA.
The City of Los Angeles which is located in Southern California is the most populous in the state of California and also ranks as the second largest City in the country after New York City. In terms of resiliency, Los Angeles is given an Overall Resilience Capacity Index Z-Score of -0.43, which positions it at number 302 out of 361 cities in the U.S. (“RCI by Capacity Type”). For this review of cities and resilience, I chose Los Angeles due to the challenge it faces as a result of its affliction with Smog; a form of air pollution which has come about due to the city’s overbearing reliance on automobiles, its port

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