
Resolving Work Conflict Dementia

Decent Essays

Resolving Work Conflict
Dementia often forces family members to admit their loved ones into long-term care facilities. Unfortunately, a variety of issues commonly arises after admission. For instance, family members, especially those who have previously taken care of the resident, are sometimes reluctant to allow changes in the residents routine, medication regimen, diet, etc. This can create conflict because sometimes changes are necessary in order to create a plan of care capable of enhancing the resident’s quality of life.
Furthermore, health outcomes are individualized. Therefore, what constitutes an optimal plan of care is highly subjective. As a result, the cultural norms of family members and nurses inevitably play a significant …show more content…

Specifically, they affect how medical professionals approach treatment options and interact with family members. For example, Western healthcare practitioners tend to rely heavily on the use of medications to control patients’ symptoms and improve their quality of life (Alzheimer's Society, n.d.). Further, they are usually not familiar with complementary and alternative dementia therapies.
The Alzheimer’s Society (n.d.) suggests there are alternative treatments, such as acupuncture, aromatherapy, massage, bright light therapy, and herbal medications that can be used to treat dementia patients. Unfortunately, they are not commonly used throughout the U.S. In turn, the nurses and physician at WM have overlooked the possibility of considering these complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapy …show more content…

The nursing team at WM views the resident, family members, physician, nurses, and nursing assistants vital members of the care planning team. Consequently, nurses are empowering Ben to participate in his mother’s care. Even though this is currently creating conflict, ultimately, it should enhance the quality of care the resident receives.
Likewise, cultural norms have influenced Ben’s perceptions and belief about how health services should be provided and what constitutes quality care. He has stated, “Every time someone is admitted to a nursing home, they change the patient’s medicines to conform to the doctors preferences”. Additionally, Ben has reported he believes people should not be treated with many medications. Further, over 40% of adults in the U.S. use some form of CAM therapy developed outside of mainstream Western medicine (Ventola, 2010). In turn, it is certainly possible Ben favors alternative medicine over conventional medicine.
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