
Respect Definition Essay

Decent Essays

The feeling of a deep admiration for someone could be used to describe the word respect. Others may say that allowing a person to believe in or speak for whatever they feel the need to show a great deal of respect. A substitute meaning for the word is an agreement to abide by a person’s rules or thoughts, and avoiding confrontation, though you may not fully agree with what that person has to say, their interests, or even the way things are being presented, you are still courteous and polite. Multiple different meanings and definitions are used to describe the word respect. One may say that respect can be defined as an acknowledgement of something or of someone (Marriam Webster.) Acknowledging something or someone means to recognize the fact, importance, or quality of something or someone. When speaking with someone, a person should normally acknowledge everything the other person is saying. Nodding when a person speaks could be a great way to express the fact that you may be acknowledging them. By acknowledging a person, the person receiving the message is confirming that they matter and that what they are saying may be relevant, …show more content…

Respect could be hard to come by and that is because sometimes people let their emotions get in the way of their respect towards that person or persons. This can be a problem because a person should not let their emotions prevent them from acting the way they should and showing someone the respect that person deserves. Some may have a difference of opinion and still show respect towards someone in order to be thought highly of or to avoid a problem from stirring. How a person acts and what a person does that shape them into the person they are. If you want the respect of others, you must first give it, though respect should be a thing common enough where every person receives it. You should never be surprised when someone treats you with respect, you should expect it(Sarah

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