
Response To Harassment

Satisfactory Essays


1. A time I felt embarrassed is when I walked into the wrong classroom. The teacher stopped teaching and everyone looked at me. I felt embarrassed because they were holding in their laughter. It was when I first came to Bard and them seeing me in a vulnerable and clueless state made me very ashamed.

2. Some healthy ways I have responded to embarrassment is by embracing it and turning it into a joke.

3. Some unhealthy ways I have responded to embarrassment is by running away (literally) and beating myself up for it.

4. Some negative responses of continuing to respond to this emotion in unhealthy ways are increasing insecurity, developing social anxiety, and self hatred.


1. A time I felt angry was when my friend continuously left me on read. It would get me frustrated because I would ask questions and she would not respond or ignore it. In addition to that, she confronted me when I …show more content…

Some healthy ways I have responded to anger is by talking to a trusted person and writing it out.

3. Some unhealthy ways I have responded to anger is by engaging in a fight and lashing out on other people.
4. Some negative responses of continuing to respond to this emotion in unhealthy ways are creating anger management issues and hurting yourself in the long run.


1. A time I felt jealous was when a girl repeatedly started talking to a guy I liked. She was very pretty and I felt like all of my chances were blown and that I was nothing special compared to her. I felt jealous because she had the courage to talk to him and I didn't.

2. Some healthy ways I respond to jealousy is by improving myself in positive ways to increase self love like working out and putting effort into my appearance.

3. Some unhealthy ways I respond to jealousy is by instantly disliking the person and lowering my self esteem.

4. Some negative responses of continuing to respond to this emotion in unhealthy ways are destroying my confidence, mental, and emotional

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