
Restored House Chapel Research Paper

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(Surrey, BC) Faith remains an important part of the average Canadian's life. According to the 2011 National Household Survey, 76 percent of Canadians state they are a member of a religious denomination or church or claim a religious identity. However, within the Christian faith, there are many branches. The Restored House Chapel: A House of Prayer wishes to bring these individuals together to share their love of God. Everyone is welcome in the Multicultural Church, regardless of their faith.

"The Restored House Chapel strives to bring individuals of all ages, nations, and educational backgrounds to the Lord God Almighty and strengthen those who are broken-hearted, weak, and sick. When coming together, we strive to help people know God the …show more content…

The local church is ordained by God and provides a context in which believers corporately worship God, observe His ordinances, are instructed in the faith, and are equipped for the evangelization of the world. The Restored House Chapel serves God in the grace given to us "till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ" (Ephesians 4:13). The Restore House Chapel is a denomination of many nations striving to restore Holiness, Honesty, Order, Righteousness, Integrity, Discipline, and Lies back to God, through the Lord and savior Jesus Christ. The Restored House Chapel appreciates individuals taking the time to check them out. They hope and pray a visit to the website would not be in vain, but will yield fruitfulness and blessings unto the visitor. They would like to take this opportunity to invite individuals to join them on Sunday Service (1:30pm) for a vibrant and experiential: Praise & Worship; Prayer intercession; Authentic Word and Sincere

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