(Surrey, BC) Faith remains an important part of the average Canadian's life. According to the 2011 National Household Survey, 76 percent of Canadians state they are a member of a religious denomination or church or claim a religious identity. However, within the Christian faith, there are many branches. The Restored House Chapel: A House of Prayer wishes to bring these individuals together to share their love of God. Everyone is welcome in the Multicultural Church, regardless of their faith.
"The Restored House Chapel strives to bring individuals of all ages, nations, and educational backgrounds to the Lord God Almighty and strengthen those who are broken-hearted, weak, and sick. When coming together, we strive to help people know God the
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The local church is ordained by God and provides a context in which believers corporately worship God, observe His ordinances, are instructed in the faith, and are equipped for the evangelization of the world. The Restored House Chapel serves God in the grace given to us "till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ" (Ephesians 4:13). The Restore House Chapel is a denomination of many nations striving to restore Holiness, Honesty, Order, Righteousness, Integrity, Discipline, and Lies back to God, through the Lord and savior Jesus Christ. The Restored House Chapel appreciates individuals taking the time to check them out. They hope and pray a visit to the website would not be in vain, but will yield fruitfulness and blessings unto the visitor. They would like to take this opportunity to invite individuals to join them on Sunday Service (1:30pm) for a vibrant and experiential: Praise & Worship; Prayer intercession; Authentic Word and Sincere
This is what happened today: A lot of familiars arrived to see Mia but Adam has still not arrived. Kim a friend of Mia arrive with his mother who never let her to drive long distances, Kim’s mother is very emotional, they are Jewish, at summers Kim goes to a summer camp this summer camp is very boring and she calls that camp as Torah Whore.
Pastored in 1952 by Alice Lavern Riles, known as Mother Sheppard, The Church of Columbus remains today within the city of Columbus, Georgia. From a tiny building on 49th Street, to the over a million-dollar facility today, The Church of Columbus has gone through its share of change. Growing up, the church was called the First United Pentecostal Church, but once the church moved locations, Pastor renamed it The Church of Columbus. Located on 2001 Double Churches Road, there lies my second home, with its grand 36,000 square feet structure. Growing up, I was always at the church, whether it was for practice, or just to play sports such as volleyball and football with my lifelong friends that I had made throughout my attendance at the church. According the church’s website, “the church has grown from a Sunday morning attendance of sixty-one in 1985, to a consistent attendance of over 400 in 2013” (The Church of Columbus). The church’s motto is “Loving all to Christ”. The motto refers to the church’s ultimate goal of reaching the 290,000 souls of the Columbus, Phenix City, Fort Benning area (The Church of Columbus). A church member, Lisa Gail Stringer-Johnson described the church; “The first thing you feel when you walk through the doors is an outpouring of Love and God’s presence.” I am extremely grateful that I have such a tremendous place to call my second home.
Galindo analyzes that the fundamental “mission” of a congregation is the same as any other congregation that exists in any part of the world. He argues that though every congregation has a mission and a vision, at the same time, it shares a basic common mission. (43) This reminds me of my home church The First Church of Evanston and my Field Site, The Evanston Vineyard Church. Both churches have a common mission of welcoming people to the church, irrespective of their ethnic, cultural, racial, and economic and, gender backgrounds. The mission is to help people be received in the house of God with due and deserved Christian love so that they feel loved and welcomed. Both these churches encourage church attendees to attend the service and receive the Eucharist.
As a Ministry Leader at Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, I have always had an interest of how other ministries and denomination across the country held their worship services. However, I had the privilege of visiting, and worshipping with Holy Community Pentecostal Church in Adel, Georgia. The Church is a Non-Denominational Pentecostal Church that was founded in 1983 under the leadership of George Horne. The Church Motto is serving and reaching out to the entire community, as well as meeting the needs of the people.
Synagogue: Place where Jews gather for the study of the Torah-considered a form of worship. The synagogue can be any large room where the Torah scrolls are kept and read; it was also the site of communal social gatherings. One of the examples is The Crossing of the Red Sea Fig. 7-4 which is a detail of a wall painting from a house-synagogue.
As a Ministry Leader at Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, I have always had an interest in how other ministries and denominations across the country held their worship services. However, I had the privilege of visiting and worshipping with the Holy Community Pentecostal Church in Adel, Georgia. The Church is a Non-Denominational Pentecostal Church that was founded in 1983 under the leadership of George Horne. The church motto is serving and reaching out to the entire community, as well as meeting the needs of the people.
The church has a unique role to play in bringing renewal and restoration to the brokenness of the world. I think that the mission the broken, crucified, despised Jesus was and is healing brokenness. Jesus Christ was “anointed” to do the work of restoring a sick and sad nation. I, therefore, hold as my point of departure that in Jesus Christ we are anointed to preach in a way that will awaken the nation to wholeness and to the reality of God’s reign on Earth.
When visualizing the inside of the church in Salvation, my mind pictures a large white chapel with double wooden doors out front with cement steps leading to the entry. Atop the church a large cross or steeple signifying a house of worship. A place where young and elderly come to share a common ground. If you were to pass by this church during a midweek or Sunday sermon one can almost hear and feel the earthquake caused by singing, praying, and clapping bustling from the church doors and windows. Stepping into Auntie Reed’s home church old wooden floorboards meet your feet making your presence known amongst entering the building. Creaking floors lead to heads turning. A late church attendee will always be noted.
For the house of worship visit I went to Congregation Etz Chaim which is a Reformed Jewish synagogue. I have been though many different Christian church so going to a synagogue is a different experience than what I have grown up with. This should an interesting experience. For this paper I will describe my visit and go over things I thought were important, interesting or things that I couldn’t get out of my mind. When I first stepped into the building it didn’t look like what I expected it to look like. I thought the synagogue would be plain and nothing in there, but I was wrong. The synagogue looked somewhat plain, but I could tell this plainness was for prayer and services. The synagogue didn’t have any windows or elaborate decorations like a Catholic church would have, but if you looked up, there was window or whole in the middle which you could see the clouds through. When I sat down I saw there was a small piano and a closet in the back where they put the Torah and other important things. I did see some older folks that were serious about the service compared to some of the younger generation that were just talking amongst themselves. The people there were very friendly and welcoming as I sat and observed service.
When I walked in the chapel on Wednesday, September 17, 2017, for the North Greenville Annual Founders Day Chapel I did not have high expectations for the event. Even though it was not at all what I was expecting, I enjoyed this event more than I could have ever imagined. Before the Annual Founders Day even started I had already begun to enjoy myself because of my 9 o’clock class which typically dismiss at 9:50 released students thirty minutes early, due to my professor, Dr. van de Meiracker, participation in the event. This extra twenty-minutes enabled me to arrive early and just sit in the auditorium watching and listening to the band and choir practice. Transition, just before the professors arrived I amused myself by looking for all the empty seats in the area
The impairment-only accounting model for goodwill was initially brought to the table in 2004, to replace the previous amortization-based model. Over the years, research supported the idea that impairment charges improved the fundamental economic attributes of goodwill than systematic amortization charges. Research also revealed that such annual changes had minor information value to users. According to KPMG (2014), this was the key reason why the US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) “replaced straight-line amortization of goodwill with this model that was based exclusively on impairment testing” (p. 4). The FASB argued that this approach provides
In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, various motifs are scattered throughout its tragic and calamitous plot. From portraying vengeance to displaying characteristics of loyalty and ambition, the tragedy’s cast and storyline model them all. The most prominent of them all is the motif of fate and its unchanging course. Even if one does not believe in kismet or may try to adjust its path for their benefit, it does not yield to no one or their desires. The brutality of this motif is not held back in this drama, and it is prevalent within the narrative.
The church ministers to everyone of any race and age. To put faith into practice one needs to do service. Giving puts the word of God into action. The church has many services such as a food pantry, missionaries, and a community center in Haiti. I have been going to the church since I was six years old. It was until 2010 I got involved in the church activities. I have got involved in a praise dance team, junior and youth choir, and the youth group. All have shaped my relationship with God. I learned to have a deeper connection and to understand more about him. It also taught me what God has done for me and what I need to do for him. There are numerous events and celebrations held each year. Couples’ Seminary is a Couples ministry event usually held on February 14 to ensure couples know and learn what their relationship means in Christ. Revival is during the first week of March, this calls the congregation to repent in the lord again and remember the church history. The last few days of Jesus’s life is told through a three day long Easter celebration. Throughout the month of May, it is known as family month due to many family holidays around the time. Food festival is a summer day event celebrating and representing the Haitian
With the Chapel coming up soon, it was on a lot of people’s mind. So people were able to express how they felt about the process of which we were going about it.
The Bible, defined as a collection of sixty-six scriptures that compose the Old and New Testament. For a number of people, including catholics and religious officials, this holy script can be the final word between what is morally and religiously right and wrong. A biblical quotation, Radix malorum est cupiditas is Latin for avarice is the root of all evil. In the frame narrative, The Canterbury Tales, there is no limit to the use of religious and moral connections that the fictional characters present. The Wife of Bath and the Pardoner show their cupidinous for money through the prologues and tales. In the prologue told by the Wife of Bath, she uses the Bible to justify her actions to the other characters, as having multiple suitors is presented in the Bible. Her need to justify herself comes from the marriage of multiple wealthy decrepit men as each yielded an immense inheritance. This shows not only her justification of having remarried but her avidity for money. The Pardoner also references the Bible in his prologue to demonstrate his superiority when compared to the people he sells pardons and fake relics to as he admits his sin but takes the money of the guilt ridden people. The Pardoner’s main argument consists of simple yet intelligent logic, why would the people be buying the fraudulent items if they had not done anything for which they were necessary? His tale also references money, which leads to