
Resume Advice Case Study

Decent Essays

The source that I found most interesting in regards to resume advice was the interview of Brandon Stapper (The CEO and founder of 858 Graphics), by David Hay. The interview focused on the five worst things Stapper hates to see when sorting through resumes. Stapper’s first step is to filter the contact info to make sure the name and email is professional. According to Stapper, this strategy eliminates 40-50% of his stack right off the bat. Consistencies in employments are another factor he looks for; if you have several jobs within a short time span your resume is more likely to get tossed. Unlike entry-level jobs, higher-level employers seek to hire someone who is willing to grow their roots in the company and plan to commit for longer periods of time. Stapper also insists on some sort of color in the bold portions of your resume; black and white resumes tend to get lost in the clutter. …show more content…

Clou Mein’s YouTube channel “How to Write a Resume (Tips and Tricks),” explained how essential key words are to have in your resume due to recruiters. Recruiters are those who filter through the mountain of resumes by searching for key words, which eventually gets turned in to the higher-level manager. Perfect Resume USA’s channel “Resume Writing Tips: Why resume Templates Don’t Work,” also highlighted the importance of using key words in your resume, as well as avoiding resume templates as much as possible. According to Perfect Resume USA, resume templates become difficult to format and lack relevant content the majority of the time. Also, resume templates can make it difficult to control your spacing. Stapper and Mein both emphasized on not attaching a picture to your resume, unless you’re applying to be a model. A picture can look tacky and sometimes

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