The source that I found most interesting in regards to resume advice was the interview of Brandon Stapper (The CEO and founder of 858 Graphics), by David Hay. The interview focused on the five worst things Stapper hates to see when sorting through resumes. Stapper’s first step is to filter the contact info to make sure the name and email is professional. According to Stapper, this strategy eliminates 40-50% of his stack right off the bat. Consistencies in employments are another factor he looks for; if you have several jobs within a short time span your resume is more likely to get tossed. Unlike entry-level jobs, higher-level employers seek to hire someone who is willing to grow their roots in the company and plan to commit for longer periods of time. Stapper also insists on some sort of color in the bold portions of your resume; black and white resumes tend to get lost in the clutter. …show more content…
Clou Mein’s YouTube channel “How to Write a Resume (Tips and Tricks),” explained how essential key words are to have in your resume due to recruiters. Recruiters are those who filter through the mountain of resumes by searching for key words, which eventually gets turned in to the higher-level manager. Perfect Resume USA’s channel “Resume Writing Tips: Why resume Templates Don’t Work,” also highlighted the importance of using key words in your resume, as well as avoiding resume templates as much as possible. According to Perfect Resume USA, resume templates become difficult to format and lack relevant content the majority of the time. Also, resume templates can make it difficult to control your spacing. Stapper and Mein both emphasized on not attaching a picture to your resume, unless you’re applying to be a model. A picture can look tacky and sometimes
Employers don't want to waste time in finding the right employee for their company. They certainly check your resume's contents in assessing your skills and compatibility with their workforce. However, your resume format also plays an important role in ensuring a positive impression upon scanning your credentials.
His guidance for resume building was very useful. He mentioned that it is important to know how to use the ladder of perception to the interviewee to their advantage. If the person is rambling too much about the first question the interviewer asked it will lose their attention. It is best to have something prepared before entering to the interview. If you are early to an interview, the ladder of perception will be an advantage because the interviewee with percept the person to be reliable and that can be a factor that help in deciding for the position. He also mentioned that the resume should not be more than two pages long and that is still even to lengthy. A resume to be normally one page and GPA should only be on it if the recent graduate is applying to their first real job. Many people who view resumes only see the first half of the resume so it is very important to have everything spelled correctly and outstanding for employers to continue to read the resume. Justin also mentioned that military veterans do have an advantage and do get their resumes overlooked more closely than other applicants. Besides the resume, having a LinkedIn account is extremely important. It is another resume but online, basically the professional Facebook. He also mentioned Facebook who always be private since employers to check
The header of the resume should be your name, and it should stand out by making it bold, centered and be in a larger font so the employer can remember your suggests using just one or two lines for contact information, rather than having a separate line for each item in order to save space. The site states
Unquestionably, Joyce Lain Kennedy is a subject matter expert in the resume industry. Throughout her book titled “Resumes for Dummies” (herein known as “the book”) she repeatedly demonstrated comprehensive industry-knowledge with respect to resume writing. Her in-depth comprehension covered a broad range of topics such as: how to manage the digital age, screening and search tools, appropriate formatting, as well as managing and positioning resume content, among many others. Furthermore, she focused on many contemporary issues, which are encountered by both job seekers and resume writers alike. These difficulties have unquestionably disrupted the environment of the profession in recent years. Nonetheless, there were three specific similarities found in her book that distinctly comply with the guidelines of the National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA).
For many job candidates, their résumé provides potential employers their first impression of the candidate. Unfortunately, an inefficient résumé can lead to a great candidate not even being considered for a position. Luckily, there are several things you can do to make sure you present your best self through your résumé.
Some people write a resume as if the purpose of the document was to land a job. As a result they end up with a really long and boring piece that makes them look like desperate job hunters. The objective of your resume is to land an interview, and the interview will land you the job. First of all, you need to back up your qualities and strengths so instead of creating a long list with all your qualities try to connect them with real life and work experiences. In other words, you need to back these qualities and strengths up, else it will appear that you are just trying to inflate things. Secondly, one must make sure to use the right keywords. If you're applying for a Medical Assistant position, make sure you use the correct medical terms and/or
After reading “Susie the Screener,” I understood that we don’t need to rush when we write our resume because there are rules that we should follow and respect. What I kept in mind, just like Susie said in the article, is that a good resume has to be “clean, objective, orderly, and logical.”
Resumes are also very important. They are a brief overview of someone’s qualifications and experiences. This is essential to solidify yourself as great candidate for the occupation desired or at least a step in the right direction. A cover letter will also enhance the potential of you getting the job.
According to Charlsie Dewey lecture in the 2016 who cares? Why Bother? Real Writing for Real People” seminar; held at Grand Rapids Community College. She covers the section on Professional Writing: Cover letters, Resumes, Emails, Social Media and More. Charlsie Dewey is a professional write and journalist for the Grand Rapids business journal; she covers many key qualities to have in the professional world. Such as how to organize a resume and cover letter that leans you in the position you want without having a desired position stated or objective. Dewey explains the importance of the layout, font and word choose. She says “a great resume mimics words or phrases from the job description”. (Dewey).
The functional résumé highlights a person’s skills rather than work history. Organizing my qualifications and skills into an effective functional résumé is one of my top priorities, but it is also one of the things I dread drafting the most. I am a non-traditional student that has been out of the workforce for 5 years prior to my associate’s and have joined no clubs or associations. I have no formal leadership training, my skills are limited to what I have learned in the past two years for my associate’s, and I have no relevant technical skills for a position I am currently inquiring about. I figured that I could get a degree and get a job, in that order. From to point A to point B, no in-between. With the formal education comes job opportunities,
Many new techniques have been introduced in the reading of Career Achievement that has helped me to understand how to create the resume, cover letter, and follow-up letter when applying for a position. For instance, creating a master list of action words to use in my resume letter has improved my vocabulary for my resume. In addition, it has helped me to know that human resource managers use these keywords to scan your resume, so if it is not in their keywords list then then the resume is not looked at. In fact, I had not given that much consideration of a cover letter for the position I was applying for until it was explained how important this letter would introduce me to the prospective employer. The cover letter is like the good firm handshake given in
Being able to write a strong, distinct resume and cover letter is very important. I believe everyone has heard of the quote/phrase "First impression matters". A strong and distinct resume and cover letter is the very first impression you give a college or worksite. The college or worksite will look at your application and see the resume and cover letter. The resume and cover letter they see will either "make you or break you". It is important to create an honest and a personal brand to any application, because during the interview they might ask you to elaborate and provide more information regarding the stuff you've listed in your application. If you are unable to talk more in depth about the topic, they will assume you were not involved. A personal brand will set you apart from thousands and millions of other applicants fighting for the same position. You want the college or worksite to look at the cover letter/resume and want to accept you off the back. Learning how to speak in front of crowds, finding my strengths and weaknesses, reviewing how to write cover letters and resumes, plus gaining the knowledge of the way socail media works; these skills will prepare me not only in college and jobs but it will help prepare me for the rest of my
It is important for resumes to be specifically targeted to the position you are applying for (Schoology, 2016). Resumes should be professional, honest and present a positive impression (Schoology, 2016). They should also be simplified and easy to read with focus on specific achievements (Schoology, 2016). Building your resume is the most important part of your career development process. It tells a potential employer about you. It is a good practice to carefully review your resume from an employer perspective and ask yourself if you would hire this person. Once your resume is complete, it is a good idea to prepare for possible interviews.
I had provided my information on a sheet of paper, but it didn’t really look like a professional resume. So I decided to search on Google for resume templates, and found a great one that I can use. The template proved to be very great in that it showed me the ways that I am able to improve my resume. I found that there are certain categories I can use, and I was able to input my information into the template, similar to me filling out a form. This made it much more convenient to create a resume rather than trying to start one from scratch.
Does length really matter? There are those that vouch for the one-page resume and who argue that you should never-ever go beyond the first page. Then there are those who believe that you can’t write a proper resume without two pages.