
Rhetoric In The American Peele

Decent Essays

Rhetoric incorporates communication of all kinds – verbal, written, visual. The media is a great platform that has to use all three of these communication styles to effectively convey their message to a vast audience. The media provides many examples of rhetorical situations. Racial discourse is a common part of the American society. To elaborate on what rhetoric is and its place within popular media, I am going to look at the response to police shootings and subsequent protests in to see how media sources use rhetorical strategy to tell the same story in different ways as well as analyzing he rhetoric in both entertainment and newsprint that enables the ideology of post-racial America. Most studies focused on the impact of the news but Americans today receive a lot of their information from entertainment sites and social media. The media can affect the public’s understanding of events in numerous ways it frames how people think about a particular issue or event..As Kinder and Sanders (1996) explain, “frames lead a double life . . . frames are interpretive structures embedded in political discourse. . . . At the same time, frames also live inside the mind; they are cognitive structures that help individual citizens make sense of the issues” (p. 164). When frames in political discourse …show more content…

In a skit called “Alien Imposters,” Key and Peele fight off aliens in human form. Using humour, the two ask questions to figure out which human figure is an alien or a human. Underneath the jokes the sketch approaches many racial stereotypes that relate to today’s societal structure. Racial stereotypes are a unconscious part of our daily rhetoric. People do not realize how often these stereotypes are used whether it is in social media or in

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