
Rhetorical Analysis Of Nissan Leaf

Better Essays

Refer to this draft to see how I’m using the terminology in sentences. Note my structure, too: I describe the ad before analyzing/evaluating; when I do move on to that, I’m thinking in terms of paragraphs (one idea per) and how I can put info together. THAT is a work in progress, so don’t judge me! Oh, also notice my attempt at including sources.

A Rhetorical Analysis of the Nissan Leaf Polar Bear Ad

I. Intro: Polar bears are cute. Homeless polar bears are sad. Global warming made this nice, cute bear sad. Buy a Leaf; get a bear hug, and save the world. Now, when the logic driving the Nissan “Polar Bear Commercial” is spelled out, it seems ridiculous. Luckily for Nissan, it’s not logos behind this wheel, but rather a …show more content…

com). I need to discuss medium and football briefly because it’s not what I expected. I thought it would debut on National Geo or something, so that’s kind of surprising.
{Side note: In trying to research this commercial, I learned that it’s a real bear – the only professional acting polar bear ( }
III. Purpose and stance; Here’s where we “read” the ad and describe it – visual rhetoric
Clearly, the purpose of the advertisement is to sell the new Nissan Leaf. The company’s stance reveals a commitment to saving the environment through technology; they seem to be admitting that global warming is real and that the automobile industry is one of the primary culprits.
With his arctic home melting away, this majestic-yet-adorable, pathos-stirring polar bear mascot begins his journey. We first see him stranded on a sheet of ice. The glaciers are melting; chunks are falling into the ocean. The camera pans backward as our bear begins to swim for it, and as he swims we are shown the vastness, the beauty, and the solitude of his home, as well as the confusion and alarm this bear must be feeling. Polar bear fans are in awe. Animal activists are glued. Nature-lovers and environmentalists are captivated. Nissan successfully reaches its target audience with a simple melody and stunning scenes. Our polar bear

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