
Rhetorical Devices In President Trump's Speech

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President Trump's Inaugural Speech In President Trump's Inaugural speech, he addresses three main topics. The first is the transfer of power from the government to the people. The second is reprioritizing American interests, and putting our own country first. The third is that the United States is going to set an example for other countries around the world. The first core point that President Trump discusses is essentially that the people are going to receive more power and prosperity. First, he describes how the power will be transferred by saying, "We are not merely transferring power from one another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you." This shows his intentions of making the government more of a direct democracy. He goes as far as to say that the day of his Inauguration is the day that the people will become the rulers of America again. During this first segment of his speech, he speaks with his typical theme of the contrast between him and the government, as well as subtly critique the previous administration. Regardless, his first message to the people is that power is returning to …show more content…

He declares that we will eradicate radical Islam from the face of the Earth, and form and reinforce alliances. Trump's intention of changing the example America sets for others, the shifting away from the concern of global security and prosperity and toward security and prosperity of America, does away with the current ideals of American Exceptionalism. He then goes on to say that we will think big and dream bigger. After all, we are "only living as long as we are thriving." There will be no tolerance for politicians with empty talk; only for those who act on what they believe in. We will establish a new national pride, and no one shall ever be ignored again. Overall, Trump declares that we will be a shining example to other

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