President Trump's Inaugural Speech In President Trump's Inaugural speech, he addresses three main topics. The first is the transfer of power from the government to the people. The second is reprioritizing American interests, and putting our own country first. The third is that the United States is going to set an example for other countries around the world. The first core point that President Trump discusses is essentially that the people are going to receive more power and prosperity. First, he describes how the power will be transferred by saying, "We are not merely transferring power from one another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you." This shows his intentions of making the government more of a direct democracy. He goes as far as to say that the day of his Inauguration is the day that the people will become the rulers of America again. During this first segment of his speech, he speaks with his typical theme of the contrast between him and the government, as well as subtly critique the previous administration. Regardless, his first message to the people is that power is returning to …show more content…
He declares that we will eradicate radical Islam from the face of the Earth, and form and reinforce alliances. Trump's intention of changing the example America sets for others, the shifting away from the concern of global security and prosperity and toward security and prosperity of America, does away with the current ideals of American Exceptionalism. He then goes on to say that we will think big and dream bigger. After all, we are "only living as long as we are thriving." There will be no tolerance for politicians with empty talk; only for those who act on what they believe in. We will establish a new national pride, and no one shall ever be ignored again. Overall, Trump declares that we will be a shining example to other
President Trump said he would repeal and replace the ACA “Affordable Care Act”. Additionally, President Trump has promised to reduce the $19.5 Trillion (and growing) debt by cutting spending on all non essential government agencies and add-on expenses that were senselessly added over the last administration. He also said he would convince companies to bring factories back to America, in essence “Make America Great Again”. These are just some of the many promises President Trump has made to the American people. But many of his promises will take a while to come in affect as his plan to alter the course of our country unfolds.
Donald trump's diction is one of ruination, one of doom and gloom. He speaks as if the apocalypse is upon us. For example”rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation” His rhetoric make use of anaphora and repetition, like when he is repeating “Together, we will make America strong again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America proud again. We will
After addressing the nation and thanking the world, President Trump stated, “we, the citizens of America, are joined in a national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise to all its people,” he continued, “we will face challenges and confront hardships, but we will get the job done (Trump).” The point was made very clear that President Trump’s primary objective was to give America back to the people of this great nation and beginning to put
2016 State of the Union Speech In president Obamas State of the Union Speech he addresses how the future is important. He starts off by joking and then gets serious with some priorities. The priorities were immigration, minimum wage, gun violence, equal pay, etc. When president Obama first went into office the United States was facing some economic and employment problems.
He wants to cut back on military use of ground troops and also to seal the border with Mexico, how does he think to get it done what will congress do to help or will they make it more difficult for Donald Trump. Donald Trump has made 76 promises to the public. Donald Trump also what to get rid of numerous health plans and other project that would help the American people out. How does Mexico feel about Donald Trump's plan do they agree with sealing the border between the US and Mexico. Do we know for sure that Donald Trump can keep his promise about making Mexico pay for the building of the wall. Also has Donald Trump stop to think what that might do to the relationship between the US and Mexico. In all Donald Trump has countless plans that may do some good for our country and may also be bad as well. There are many good points that Donald Trump has point out but how will that affect our counrty relationship with other countries. His plans may cause our country to become great again or it may affect use in way’s that will not have people happy. So what will be the Cause and Effects of Donald Trump winning the Presidential
President Obama's inaugural speech in 2009 discusses to the people of America his understanding of the hardship and struggle of the economy. Obama discusses his goals to make America better with a compelling voice, using literary devices such as pathos, ethos, & allusion.
Donald J. Trump outlines his plans to make USA great again through better leadership and action. Too much empty talk, not enough action. We the People are tired of these politicians who talk their way into office and then fail to live up to what they promised. Trump will restore America to its former greatness, a greatness we have not seen since the Reagan years. This book is also a call for the return of genuine patriotism and taking pride in our country. We the People know that USA is the greatest country in the world and we need to put someone in the Oval Office who will actually Lead and put that greatness on display by taking Action.
Donald Trump, a once controversial political candidate, gave his 2017 Inaugural address on January 20th, 2017 when he was inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States. Through appeals such as syntax and diction, religion and patriotism, and logic, Donald Trump was able to generate a unifying speech toward his audience. Amidst the growing violence and repercussions of the 2016 election, Donald Trump, in his 2017 Inaugural address, sends the message that he will put America and its citizens first to unite the country and change America for the better.
The 44th president, Barack H. Obama presented his inaugural speech on January 20th, 2009. The purpose of the speech is to inform and educate the audience about the issue the US was going through at the time, and his plan to improve on these issues. Obama's tone is serious, with optimism. Obama used anaphora, parallelism, and optimism to grasp the audience's attention and to gain the trust of the audience. Obama uses Rhetorical devices in his Inaugural speech he uses a lot of anaphore, such as when he says, “Together, we discovered that”( this is also parallelism, he states this to show that he is just like every other American just trying to make a difference in this world.
Trump also pointed out that he wants to end the visa lottery and making it easier for people that want to come to the United State, who are willing and able to work. Even though, he made some comments that offended people and they do not like Trump, he is still our President and he has a lot of responsibilities. Overall, this first year for President Trump has been good and I believe he will carry on pushing the United States to a new
The dawn of America speech as it should be called, was a very dark and seemed to be pointing out our flaws and failures in the beginning, but for those who could trudge through the beginning of President trumps inaugural speech, they were rewarded with promises of the future and amazing futures. He started his speech with thanking everybody who helped him get there. Then he transferred his speech to pointing out the flaws that many people have been upset about for years. The first being politicians are too powerful, and to address this he spent a few minutes telling people that the power is coming back to us, the people. He then addresses something that many people are worried about: money. He does this when he says “ Washington flourished,
One thing Trump really wants to accomplish is expand our military. This is good because would better be able to protect ourselves for other countries. We could also use a stronger military to eliminate terrorist groups like ISIS. Trump also strongly supports our second amendment and wants to protect it from regulations and restrictions. I think we should be able to carry firearm and own them
Historically, this speech is going to last forever, therefore, it is important to look at the overall effect. Trump begins the speech with a very sorrowful tone. Hitting major topics such as jobs going overseas, the education system and corrupt politicians. To then slowly transition to a more hopeful and prospering future. The transition focuses on
In President Donald Trump’s speech, he brought up topics like protecting our borders, communication with other countries, and healthcare. These topics can be redirected to Globalization and work, National Security, Communication, and even biotechnology. President Donald Trump as well as America are technological optimist, meaning that they believe that the advances in technology can help our country in many ways. President Trump along with American citizens are behind technology.
From the context of the speech, President Trump anticipated that the middle-class citizens of America would reason with him the most, being the targeting audience. The rest of the country, as well as other first-world nations, were intended to be the secondary audience. With this in mind, President Trump knows that he has already won the middle-class as a leader, now he aims to prove to these hard-working individuals that he will be everything they want in a president and more. The speech starts off by talking negatively towards the current situation in America, discussing issues like poverty and a failing education system. Trump makes sure to talk down on the current state of America so that his audience will feel more inclined to favor his choices that he promises to bring, which is what he then begins to talk about.