
Rheumatoid Arthritis Research Paper

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With rheumatoid arthritis there are many painful problems as well as symptoms and causes of this genetic disorder. First, the description of the disorder is how painful it can be. The painful swelling can lead to bone erosion, which means that the bone will wear away. Next, the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can be hard on the body. You could have fatigue (extreme tiredness), a fever, or weight loss. As well, you can have morning stiffness which can last for hours. Lastly, some causes of the disorder are that the immune system attacks the synovium which is the lining of the membrane that surrounds your joints. In other words, what happens is the synovium inflames which destroys the cartilage and bone in the joint. As you can see rheumatoid arthritis has many painful problems, symptoms and causes. …show more content…

First, it is very difficult to diagnose rheumatoid arthritis in its early stages. It is difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are very similar to many other diseases. Second, the treatment has no one cure. This means there are things you can do to help, but there is not one thing that cures it. Next, the environmental factors are very few. One of which is infection with certain bacteria and viruses may trigger the disease. The other reason is smoking tobacco. The testing and diagnosis, treatment, and environmental factors are very dreadful

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