
Right Of Education In Pakistan

Decent Essays

All over the world children are going to school, they are learning and making friends. In some parts of the world some children are denied their basic human right of education. In Pakistan girls are not allowed to go to school. Someone who experienced this first hand and then wrote a book about it is Malala. She encouraged many to speak up on this topic the way she did. At the end of her book Malala says, “This is my dream. Education for every boy and girl in the world. To sit down on a chair and read my book with all my friends at school is my right” (Yousafzai 313). Just like it is Malala’s right it is also every boy’s and girl’s right, but still in parts of the world girls are denied the right to education and to attend school. Girls in Pakistan face unique challenges and disadvantages: “Two-thirds of Pakistan’s out of school children are girls amounting to over 3 million girls out of school.” (Faheem) Many feel that the reason girls are not getting an education is because they are portrayed as weak and without power in society. Malala says, “There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a third power stronger than both, that of a woman.”(Yousafzai 31) In 2010, Pakistan’s government only spent 10% percent of its spending on education, most of the government’s spending is on the military. (EFAGMR) Education for children is not as important as arming children. Just like boys, girls need education because they are our future, they

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