Right to Equality in
Reservation in favor of
Backward Classes
Nisshtha Ghai
Present Day Scenario
Original Story:
The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house & laying up supplies for the winter. The Grasshopper thinks the Ant is a fool & laughs dances plays the summer away.
Come winter, the Ant is warm & well fed. The Grasshopper has no food or shelter so he dies out in the cold.
Indian Version:
The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house & laying up supplies for the winter. The Grasshopper thinks the Ant's a fool & laughs dances plays the summer away.
NDTV, BBC, CNN show up to provide pictures of the shivering Grasshopper next to a video of
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Thus, the legislature may (i) exempt certain classes of property from taxation at all, such as charities, libraries etc. (ii) impose different specific taxes upon different trades and profession.1 History of Reservation System
The drafters of the Indian constitution visualized that a major chunk of population, because of living in remote areas, might remain devoid of benefits that would be available to other citizens of free India. To neutralize this handicap they introduced reservations in education and
Yusuf V. State of Bombay, AIR.1954 S.C.321
employment. In their opinion, this approach was easier than extending the reach of the facilities to remote locations. And they believed that in due course of time the backward classes would be propped up to a level that equals the others.
Some strange reawakening prompted the Janta Party government under Bharat Ratna Morarji
Desai to enlarge the span of reservations. Mandal commission was established in India in 1979 with a mandate to identify the socially or educationally backward, based on additional parameters. The commission brought in 11 socio-economic and educational indicators to determine backwardness and introduced the term ‘Other Backward Classes (OBC)’, as a yet another class distinction in the country. The commission’s report of 1980 recommended that for accommodating the
For instance, Washington Irving, wrote in The Devil and Tom Walker, “One hot summer afternoon in the dog days, just as a terrible black thunder-gust as coming up, Tom sat in his counting house in his white linen cap and India silk morning gown.” Considering that the season, summer, can be referred to as growth and reflection, the reader can construe that Tom is about to experience change. The twelve months can also be related to the seasons; by its nature, the reader can recognize which months are in each season, due to their location. For instance, in The Raven, by Edgar Allen Poe, “Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December; and each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.” Despite the fact that Edgar Allen Poe did not verbatimly mention one of the four seasons, the reader can obtain the same mood from
In the story All the Broken Pieces written by Ann E Burg, a character named Matt makes a comparison about him and his little brother being compared as fall and summer. Matt’s comparison is firstly being compared by him being dark and drowsy, while he secondly compares tommy, his brother, to summer a happy joyful time of the year
Has to do with the citizen redistricting committee and gerrymandering. In the old rule politician could draw lines for registering during a election. They would draw district lines based on the census which left places either democratic and republican. The problem cause a problem the politician due not campaign anymore , because they already know they will win. when policiation due not campaign the are also less like to to compromise and come to agreement. The new rule is the citizen redistricting committee. now instead of politician drawing the lines, a group of citizen do it. They job is to stop gerrymandering and also to not violate any of the voting right act when drawing this lines.
“for a few minutes, they all forgot. There was no more yelling or calling out, but they could not contain the small snatches of laughter. They were humans playing in snow.” They forgot the harsh reality of the world with
“Sometimes when summer is over the land/when the heat quickens the deaf timbers/ and birds are thick in plums again” symbolizes the passing of time, as though Dawe should be moving on too. However, Dawes’ heart sickens when he acknowledges the beauty and peacefulness surrounding him, recalling the loss of his loved one Joe. Techniques used throughout this poem include using phrases such as “The chimney’s smoking belly” which gives homely attributes that were apart of Joe when he was living. Dawe tells the audience by using a metaphor that he is trying to put the loss of Joe behind him, and move forward although “The grasshopper memory leaps/
The beginning of the play takes place in Spring, which is a common symbol for young adulthood. This can be seen with the characters George and Emily, who at the start of the play are timid and awkward around each other in addition to not being fully matured. As the seasons start to develop, so do George and Emily. Summer, which is widely used to represent romance and love, is coincidentally the season where George proposes to Emily and the season of their wedding, with
As Foster says “Happiness and dissatisfaction have their seasons.” In “ The Great Gatsby,” Fitzgerald also uses this in his book. He associates summer with laughter and happiness. During the summer he says “all over the garden with, while happy, vacuous bursts of laughter rose toward the summer sky.” The way Fitzgerald expresses his emotions through the season, summer, he explains how the happiness is portrayed in the heat of the summer with the two twin girls in the story. Also in Fitzgerald’s book he symbolizes winter as sadness. He explains one winter night when a soldier has to leave to go overseas. Readers can conclude that Fitzgerald added in the season so they could visualize the sadness that is happening in the book. The book “ The Crucible,” by Arthur Miller, also uses the feelings of John Proctor’s wife. He states his wife has been sick as winter. Miller is using winter as a symbol of sadness and death just as Fitzgerald did. Lastly in Irving, Washington book he mentions when Tom meets the devil it is in Late December. All of these authors incorporate the seasons and how they relate to the characters'
Sod houses had many advantages. Their thick walls made them easy to heat in the winter and kept them cool in the summer. Strong winds could not blow them over. They would not burn down under any conditions. All of the sod needed for a house could be taken from a half acre of land. Neighbors often got together to help each other build these homes in “building bees” (Porterfield 39).
For example, I said, “While winter cries in the night”(10). This shows that winter watches how summer is happy and singing while winter wishes they were. The differences between the seasons draw them to each other, making one sad that they don’t have the similarities they have that they view
A man stood waiting with his hands on his hips. Summertime, and his children played in the front yard with their friend, enacting a strange little drama of their own invention. It was fall, and his children fought on the sidewalk in front of Mrs. Dubose’s. . . . Fall, and his children trotted to and fro around the corner, the day’s woes and triumphs on their faces. They stopped at an oak tree, delighted, puzzled, apprehensive. Winter, and his children shivered at the front gate, silhouetted against a blazing house. Winter, and a man walked into the street, dropped his glasses, and shot a dog. Summer, and he watched his children’s heart break. Autumn again, and Boo’s children needed him. (Lee 373-374
He says summer is far too short, because in summer the flowers will bloom. If he compares her to a flower she´ll bloom in summer and die after summer, as will her love.
The of the Indian American struggles against discrimination was at the heist of its objectives , when the leaders of the movement formed a coup group to stage defense that was evidence in killings and later the drafting of a commission to consider the grievances of their Indians. The non-Americans were the gainers of the commission as it spelt out their traditional and cultural rights, equal rights on resources like water, land ownership and appreciation of the religious customs. In respect, to the struggles out of discrimination, the Indians can be identified as their own failure towards equal treatment in America due to their own perception as being the weaker citizen thus lacking enough courage to stage out their overall demands. Also the
(line 7). The bee knows summer is over because the trees are starting to lose their leaves and the grass and flowers are beginning to wither away. The hope that is revealed as false is the hope that summer is going to stay and fall/winter isn’t yet here to stay. The reference to the death of Christ in the final two stanzas
All Summer in a Day is a magnificent short story, that you won’t want to put down. One reason for this is because its approach toward bullying is different than most stories. Margot, the protagonist, was eager to see the sun that only appears every seven years. She gets teased by her classmates, locked in a closet, and in result, she misses out on the special event. Instead of the typical name-calling or physical abuse, All Sumer in a Day demonstrates another way of bullying. For example, Margot is emotionally hurt when the other kids leave her behind to play in the sun. Furthermore, the short story addresses an important issue that still happens to this day: bullying. The narrative mostly revolves around the children teasing argot, presumable
The protagonist is longing for spring which is the birth phase, where resurrection occurs and the power of darkness is defeated. Spring is also associated with the archetype of romance. Since he wishes for spring, it can be implied that the protagonist is currently in the winter phase filled with darkness and the hero is defeated and he wants to be revived. Additionally, the winter phase is associated with the archetype of satire. “Or is something within me still like a beaten army” (Stasa 5, Line 5) refers to the defeat of the hero and the protagonist lost the war with himself deep down inside and now he is in a dark period. In a similar manner, satire and winter phase can be found in Gulliver’s Travels. The theme of loneliness is the main concept that is associated with satire in the novel and it mocks the excesses of individualism as Gulliver is portrayed as a lonely man who is constantly alone and away from people. For example, Lilliputian natives use language to “obfuscate” Gulliver, who finds himself “manipulated into serving the Lilliputians’ military aims” and eventually “condemned to be blinded.” Even though, the text does not directly refer to the season, the subtext would refer to the winter phase as