
Rio De Janeiro : The Largest City Of The State Rio

Decent Essays

Rio De Janeiro commonly known as ‘Rio’ is the second largest city in Brazil, 6th largest in America and the 35th largest city in the world by human population. Rio de Janeiro is the capital city of the state Rio de Janeiro. Rio is renowned for being home to one of the worlds most famous hill of slums known as Favelas.

The first favela was built from returning soldiers from the canudos campaign in the late 1800’s. 20,000 of them we’re left homeless and needed somewhere to live. They started to tower up their mud brick homes with no plumbing or electricity. The hill of favelas started to get bigger and bigger and more appealing to poor families who couldn 't afford urban housing. In 1920 the favelas started to become a problem for the …show more content…

Rio is unable to grow much more in size because of its physical factors. To the North and West are mountain ranges, which is unsuitable living conditions and to the South and East is water. These factors are contributing to making traffic congestion problems and overcrowding even worse.

Some solutions to help Rio’s Problems

A new town has been constructed at Barra da Tijuca which is just west of the capital city ‘Rio’. This new town contains shopping malls, public transport, good education and can hold up to 100,000 residents. The new town was built for middle class residents who can afford to move. It is separated from Rio by a mountain range which was tunnelled to allow access into Rio.

Within the Favela area the government granted people with money in order to improve their homes. They supplied materials like pipes for plumbing, breezeblocks and other basic materials. They were given these as long as they were used to update their homes. The government was also providing the opportunity for people living within the favelas to move into low cost basic housing estates with the bare minimum necessities like plumbing, electricity and public transport links. There were massive waiting lists for this opportunity.

The Gondola
The slums of Rio pile onto steep hillsides, with no access for public transport and a struggle for even cars. Getting from point A to B consists of steps and thin alley ways all done by foot. The only solution to allowing residents of the

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