
Rise Of Adolf Hitler

Decent Essays

The Nazi party has been the party that Hitler was in charge of. Hitler wanted Germany to be more powerful in Europe. He became the leader of the Nazi party. The Nazis wanted to invade all of Europe and be under their rule. Hitler’s allies were Japan and Italy because they had signed a treaty in Germany in 1936. This paper will talk about Hitler’s rise to power and the Nazi party being an important thing to remember in history because it was not just one country, but it affected the whole world and led to World War II.
Hitler did not like Jewish people because he thought they caused all of the problems in Germany. The Nazis leader was Adolf Hitler. He made all of the rules. Hermann Goering was the Nazi military leader and directed his soldiers …show more content…

Hitler’s first assassination attempt was when Claus Von Stauffenberg placed a timed bomb behind the speaker's podium. Hitler had left 13 minutes before it had exploded. The second assassination attempt was by a man named Elser who tried to bomb Hitler but he left a few moments before it had exploded. The third assassination was that a British made bomb was successfully brought on to Hitler’s plane. A man named Starrenburg brought a briefcase into a conference that consisted of a slab of high plastic explosive. The bomb went off and Hitler did not get killed in the blast. Hitler died in 1945 because he committed suicide at the Berlin Bunker in Berlin, Germany. He commited suicide because he knew that the war was over and the Nazi party has been defeated.(‘ Attempt To Assassinate …show more content…

Hitler’s allies were Japan and Italy because they signed a treaty. Hitler’s Dictatorship was what caused world war II to happen and set up these concentration camps. Hitler’s goal was to be a bigger country and this was why he decided to try and invade as much of Europe as possible. Hitler committed suicide in 1945 because he knew that the war was over and that the Nazi party has been defeated to end World War II. Hitler wanted to exterminate all of the Jews because he thought that the Jews were the ones who caused the problems of Germany which was why he made concentration camps. The reader should have learn about why Hitler hated the Jews and how the Nazi party invaded other

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