
Risk Associated And Condition For Risk

Satisfactory Essays

Table of Contents ABSTRACT 2 INTRODUCTION 3 METHODOLOGY 3 FINDINGS 4 Risk Associated and Condition for risk to occur and consequence of risk With BYOD 4 Strategies and technical solution to prevent risk 5 Organizational policies 5 DISCUSSION 6 CONCLUSION 6 REFRENCES 7 Appendix A 8 ABSTRACT: Now days, the technology has advanced and the use of personal tablet, iphone, smartphone and laptop by employees in their work-place had increased rapidly. Many organization have used this concept which is also known as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) in order to reduce the operational cost, increase the efficiency and is simple to use. It has also increased employees job satisfaction and morale since the devices can easily be transported …show more content…

The devices may be Laptop, Ipad, Notebook, Iphone. The employees/staffs are authorized to use their electronics devices to access to the organization’s Intranet and they can access and store the organizations information and their personal data also. BYOD is gaining popularity now days since personal devices like smart phones and tablet comes with almost features and capabilities and also easy interface. An Organization of course has a full control over the devices which are corporately owned devices and can protect the information it has collected for certain purpose from unintended use. But with BYOD it has less control. Organization needs a proper protection for BYOD since a single device is used for personal and work purpose and there is possibility of certain risk. Finding out the risk associated with BYOD and some procedures to minimize the risk is the main aim of this research. BYOD makes the workplace more smart and active and the network more secure when it is planned carefully and outcome can be productive and powerful. BYOD helps the organizations to transform into the cloud. Doing work in cloud reduces the physical IT infrastructure and networking. Organization can put all the data in cloud and can be accessed from any personal device easily and at any time. The employee can do their work even if they are

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