
River Valley Christian Observation

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On Sunday, April 23rd, 2017 I and a friend from class attended a worship service at River Valley Christian Fellowship. I planned to arrive earlier than the service started in order to make a more accurate observation. I figured that would be a good plan because I was so nervous about the assignment and being able to recall all of the requirements. I was also nervous when it came to an outfit because I wasn’t sure what the majority of the members would wear to their Sunday service. I wanted to look respectable but I also didn’t want to look out of place at the same time. As I pulled into the parking lot, I began to observe the vehicles and the people exiting them. I noticed that more than half of the vehicles were sedans and the other half mostly being minivans and larger sized SUV’s. As I was observing the people as well, I noticed the age span of the members attending. I saw children as young as newborns and adults who appeared to be in their late 70s. I noticed that more than half, I would say about 60%, of the members attending appeared to be older than the age of 40. As I continued observing, I felt more comfortable with my outfit decision. I wasn’t overdressed but I wasn’t underdressed either, I felt comfortable. I …show more content…

The music took up a good amount of time of the service and it really kept me engaged, mainly because I really enjoy music. The lyrics were projected onto the screen. I really enjoyed the lyrics being projected, it was very convenient and nice that I was able to follow along even though I am not an active member of the church, being able to follow along with the lyrics made me feel more comfortable. I wasn’t expecting there to be a live band and lyrics projected as an easier way to follow along. I really enjoyed that experience though because it kept me engaged. I used to attend St Paul's Lutheran in Kankakee and I remembered a choir so ultimately that is what I was

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