On Sunday, April 23rd, 2017 I and a friend from class attended a worship service at River Valley Christian Fellowship. I planned to arrive earlier than the service started in order to make a more accurate observation. I figured that would be a good plan because I was so nervous about the assignment and being able to recall all of the requirements. I was also nervous when it came to an outfit because I wasn’t sure what the majority of the members would wear to their Sunday service. I wanted to look respectable but I also didn’t want to look out of place at the same time. As I pulled into the parking lot, I began to observe the vehicles and the people exiting them. I noticed that more than half of the vehicles were sedans and the other half mostly being minivans and larger sized SUV’s. As I was observing the people as well, I noticed the age span of the members attending. I saw children as young as newborns and adults who appeared to be in their late 70s. I noticed that more than half, I would say about 60%, of the members attending appeared to be older than the age of 40. As I continued observing, I felt more comfortable with my outfit decision. I wasn’t overdressed but I wasn’t underdressed either, I felt comfortable. I …show more content…
The music took up a good amount of time of the service and it really kept me engaged, mainly because I really enjoy music. The lyrics were projected onto the screen. I really enjoyed the lyrics being projected, it was very convenient and nice that I was able to follow along even though I am not an active member of the church, being able to follow along with the lyrics made me feel more comfortable. I wasn’t expecting there to be a live band and lyrics projected as an easier way to follow along. I really enjoyed that experience though because it kept me engaged. I used to attend St Paul's Lutheran in Kankakee and I remembered a choir so ultimately that is what I was
The choir only sang five songs, however, oddly enough their performance lasted almost forty-five minutes. In all of the songs but one, there was an abundance of repetition. I have not heard the majority of the songs they sang before, so I am unaware if this is how the songs are written or if this is simply how the Grammy award-winning choir chose to perform them, but they would sing one verse, which would flow into the bridge, and once they started the chorus they would sing it repeatedly. This, however, I found to be a great idea, seeing that all of the churchgoers were singing, dancing, and clapping along
My first reaction was shock, because it was so vast and filled with beauty, something which I have never experienced before. Even with the quantity of people on that day I still felt quite small in a huge church. I like many others, did not go for religious purposes but to experience and see what was laid out in front of us. I do wish I came by myself because I constantly felt as if I did not take in what I was experiencing. If I was given more information about what the church’s history and background was, I would have felt much more comfortable and calm. One thing I did notice was the amount of marketing for the church. They had turned something so holy and made money out of pamphlets and miniature Saint Joseph and to light a candle you would have to purchase one. They sold plants and books and even snacks and drinks. It felt degraded to the actual purpose of the Oratory. I am pleased that I went, and would like to experience more church’s such as this one later in the
Although the general song structure was the same, the songs themselves were played in a much more reflective way and some had a bigger rock and performance feel to them. There was a general performance feel around the music, and a lot of those in the congregation seemed to get quite into it. When interviewing members, they all talked very highly of the music at the church and seemed to agree that it had very big influence on their perception of the church service. While at the smaller churches there was an agreement that while the music can be important it was by no means the most important part of the
The pieces were quite odd for me at the first time, first hearing, but I got used to it at the end of the each piece. “The Gospel Train” and “Little David, Play On Your Harp” were African-American Spiritual songs, which I kind of enjoyed, because I was also, very spiritually active. The last song, “Precious Lord Take My Hand” was very calming songs. I liked the lyrics of the song. The lyrics were very touchy that it made me ponder after the applause.
I expected to sit around and listen to someone go on about an obscure passage from the Torah and connect it to modern life. One thing that I did fear was that I might have some great faux pas mid-way through the service. I also did not want the service to be long and drawn out.
The rabbi began the service fairly casually, greeting the congregation in English. After the English greeting came a more traditional greeting in Hebrew, and then a song to greet the Sabbath, or Shabbat, which is the word that was used at the synagogue. The Hebrew might have been strange to me, but there were English translations for just about everything in the prayer book, along with the prayers and songs written out in Hebrew. My personal favorite part of the service was the singing. There were two singers, one male and one female. All of the songs were beautiful, and caused me to consider the fact that many religions use songs and music in order to convey their messages. I believe that this is a good practice, because music is a common language, one that everybody can understand regardless of whether they speak Hebrew, or any other tongue. Although I’m
The first choir sounded nice their stage presence was really good. The second choir sounded rushed like they wanted it to be done and their stage appearance was Ok they didn’t really dress up for it.. They both blended very nicely.
There were a lot people waiting outside when I got there at 7 pm. People were able to walk in the doors at 7:15 pm. Approximately 120 people attended this concert, making the auditorium seem nearly filled. There was a man in a tuxedo passing out the printed programs, the program was a yellow pamphlet. There was also a paper inside the pamphlet that had director’s information, Concert Chorale's name, and Women’s chorus’s name. The concert started at 7:30pm. There were eight guys who played instruments that were sitting in the front. As for the Chorals, there were girls on the two sides and guys were in the middle. They started with “I Saw Three ships” arr. Mack Wilberg. I was surprised by how
On Mar 21, Fargo church held their Sunday service and meditated on Jesus' prayer at Gethsemane. The church members were strengthend through the message.
The difference in the sound of the choir between the back of the auditorium and on stage is night and day. The stage made their balance so much better, with the bass and tenor voices resonating better through the audience. I also noticed how much stronger the intonation of the choir was when they were closer to the piano accompaniment. The different voices in the choir also have strong blend individually. Rather than it sounding like I am listening to 11 sopranos as indicated on the program, it sounds like I am listening to just a few because of how well those 11 singers blended together. You can tell there is a lot of emphasis on the performance being a group effort rather than a bunch of individual efforts.
The service was easy to follow. There was no need for a church bulletin because they had a projector screen displaying what was going on. I’ve always been to a church that had Bibles in the pews but Bibles were nowhere to be found. I found this interesting. I do not think it is a good idea to assume that everyone who walks into your sanctuary is going to have a Bible or even what the Bible is. Having these items readily available is important for those people who walk through your doors lost and not know where to go.
When the service started it began with prayer, during the service there were moments of prayer, and the service ended with prayer. Something that I found very entertaining was the form of worship that they used which was singing. They sang a lot of different songs that worshiped God. You could tell who went to church a lot because they knew all the songs by heart. For those like me that didn’t know the songs, the words were projected on to the wall so you could sing along with everyone else. There was also a live band that played the music to sing to. This part of the service was really entertaining to me and I really enjoyed it.
Please turn on your flashers. You are our VIP”. I had no idea what this meant so I did what they asked and turned on my lights. After passing the red signs, I continued to drive and came across three gentlemen waving their hands with a huge smile and stretched out arms directing me into a parking spot. As a first time guest and their “VIP”, I was able to park as close to the church entrance as possible which was nice. Once I got my belongings together and stepped out of the car, an Elevation volunteer came towards my direction with a smile so big that I could not help but to smile back. After saying “Good Morning” the nice lady handed me a brochure with a huge sign reading “VIP”. She then directed me into the church and said “enjoy the Elevation experience”. I was anxious and excited to see what was to
For my site visit I went to St Thomas Aquinas Church, I went to the 7:30am service which is typically the least busy of their three Sunday services. I arrived around 7:25 and followed the cars in front of me who I assumed were also going to church into the back parking lot which looked pretty full for an early service. I then followed the people in to the main building. They also had 2 other buildings, one seemed like it was for church school and the other maybe for events. On my way into the church there was an older man also headed in wearing Buffalo Bills shorts and shirt which told me that the dress code was not very strict. I followed him into the church and the people standing in the doors were very nice and welcomed me. When he walked
I entered into the worship service, unaware of what to expect. I was not familiar with this church, it was a non-denominational church, but the pastor had his roots in the A.M.E. Zion Church and branched out to establish his own church. I walked into the sanctuary prepared to participate in the Sunday School. I found a seat and readied myself to engage in some meaningful discussion. After sitting for several minutes, I asked one of the gentlemen who was standing at the front of the church if they had already started and where was the lesson coming from. He looked at his watch and indicated that he didn’t know if we had time for Sunday School. A puzzled look came over my face and I couldn’t help but express my confusion as I looked at