
Robert C Linthicum Urban Ministry Summary

Decent Essays

What is the mission of the church in the city? Before Jesus left this world he commissioned the church to take God’s redemptive message around the world, which includes the urban centers of the world. Jesus instruction was to make disciples all over the world. When Jesus spoke these words, he was giving the church her marching orders, just as an invading army conquering territory the church is called to do battle with the forces of evil in the city. Robert C. Linthicum has spent over twenty years working and teaching in third world countries who insist that urban ministry be grounded in biblical theology. As a result, this book is the reflection of interactions with a third world pastor to develop a theology adequate for the urban setting. The purpose of this book is to develop from the Scripture a systematic consistent theology of the city. The author’s basic thesis that this world is a battleground between God and Satan inside our cities (23). The battleground is between both the god of Babylon (Baal, Satan) and the God of Jerusalem (Yahweh, the Lord) for domination and control (25). …show more content…

Linthicum is the director of the office of Urban Advance, World Vision International. He has been an urban pastor in Chicago, Rockford, Milwaukee, and Detroit and a community organizer in most of those same cities. He is currently chair of the Urban Coordinating Council of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for Southern California. Other books written by Robert C. Linthicum include: Christian Revolution for Church Renewal, Choose You this Day: Creating the Future for Your Church, The People Who Met God, The People Who Turned The World Upside Down, A Transformacao da Cidade, and Empowering The Poor: Community Organizing Among the “Rag, Tag and Bobtail. He holds a doctorate from San Francisco Theological Seminary and Masters from McCormick Theological Seminary and Wheaton Graduate School of

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