
Role Of Marketing : The Role Of Marketing

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Role and importance of Marketing.

The importance of marketing is to communicate information regarding a product or service to potential consumers to influence their buying behavior, because of this it becomes extremely important to businesses to market effectively to consumers as commonly they rely on the sales of their product to consumers to provide the money necessary to run the business and potentially make a profit whilst building a relationship with consumers to encourage repeat purchases. As a fundamental part of marketing is to encourage repeat purchasing, businesses such as Countdown will develop, or partner with a rewards system to reward customers for their continuous support. In the case of Countdown this is offered by their …show more content…

Their ads and campaigns tend to play on your emotions and love towards animals, by highlighting cases where animals have been mistreated by humans they are able to more effectively convince people to donate as they feel guilty that the human species have does this to animals, so people tend to donate to help reduce this occurrence.

Evolution of Marketing.

Although marketing was and will always be changing there is a fundamentally important range of eras from the 1900’s to the current day that marked dramatic changes in the way marketing was thought of and how it was implemented.

The first of these was in the 1900-1930s with the Production era, the emphasis was to be the most efficient mass producer. Ford Motor company had a lot of success with this idea as it allowed them to offer the Model T Ford (car) in only black colouring without hurting their sales as they were the most efficient and were able to offer the car for much cheaper than their competitors. Which at the time made cars a commodity that nearly everyone could afford. This was an important step as it taught organisations that business could be positively affected by how efficient it could run and inspired them to become as efficient as possible.

The 1930-1960s was responsible for the Selling era, the philosophy for this era was that anything could be sold to anyone through good marketing, it wasn’t based on

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