
Roman Mythology: If I Were A Goddess

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If I were a goddess I would be Athena. In Roman Mythology her Latin name is Minerva. Athena is Zeus’ daughter so she has a somewhat “high ranking”. Her realm of rule weapons is a sword and battle armor. The symbolic animal of her is an Owl. She was born from the head of Zeus. Athena is fierce and brave; She is smart, somewhat ruthless, but she was praised by all. Athena took part in many wars and also fought in the Trojan War. She is “The Goddess of War”, so she is Ares counterpart. She is smart, she invents many things, like the flute, trumpet, the chariot, and much more. She is praised by many because of her “compassion and generosity.” to her followers. Athena really appeals to me because she is different from what people think

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