
Romeo And Juliet Act 3 Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

In act 4 scene 3 of the book Romeo and Juliet,Juliet is unstable because she will be talking poison from the Friar Lawrence who has given it to her so she can fake her own death.She been unstable and thinking about a lot of stuff like what would happen if the mixture does not work.She said “What if the mixture does not work at all?”(4.423)What this quote means is that she's been thinking about if the poison doesn't have an effect.This quote is important because it shows how she is thinking about all the stuff,she had to be relaxed and and be positive but she was the opposite.Another thing is that she's thinking that the Friar might betray her because he was the one that made the potion and he's from the Rival family.”what if Friar had the

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