
Romeo And Juliet Act 5 Scene 5 Essay

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In Act 5, Scene 3 (part 1) in Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, Romeo goes to Juliet’s tomb to find closure within his true love, but is confronted by Paris who is also saying his goodbyes. Ultimately, all of them end up dying, but Romeo and Juliet end up taking their lives as an act for love and to ensure that they will be together forever. Romeo launches into an emotional soliloquy before he takes his life, which justifies the rash decision he ends up making. The power of love is prevailed throughout the whole scene when it comes to the characters. Also the drastic contrast between Romeo and Paris in this scene presented through foiling, shines a light on the extreme changes Romeo endures through the scene’s events. The powerful love that overcame Romeo for Juliet, and the emotional heartbreak he goes through when she is presumed dead, makes the death of both of them all the more justified in their eyes. …show more content…

All of the frustration and loss of humanity he has quickly changes to a depressive state as soon he kills Paris. The clouded mindset Romeo has because of Juliet drives him to isolate himself and leave him only with the dangerous love he has for her. Romeo describes Juliet’s tomb as a “womb of death,” it is keeping them apart and leaving him damaged. The dramatic irony is seen when Romeo is trying to get pass Paris into Juliet’s tomb. In this part, Romeo believes that Juliet has died, even though she is due to awaken very soon. The dramatic irony goes hand and hand with Romeo’s changes because without him knowing what really happened with Juliet, Romeo wouldn’t have lost his humanity and gone on a downward spiral. The emotional hardships Romeo has to go through and his powerful love for Juliet only fuels his near death to guarantee his life with

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