
Romeo And Juliet Conflict

Good Essays

Have you ever fallen in love with someone because you thought the person looked attractive? Have you ever put your trust in someone, until you found him or her to be disloyal?
Shakespeare’s classic play Romeo and Juliet demonstrates, in some instances like the above, what not to do, even in today’s world. The Bible, the flawless manual for life’s problems, supports these arguments. Examples of problems similar to those that teenagers face today, such as love based on looks, conditional love, and broken trust, are given in Romeo and Juliet. The first problem exemplified in Romeo and Juliet is love based on looks. Romeo met
Juliet during a party held at the Capulets’ house, and he fell in love with her and kissed her. They spoke for a small time then, and again for a little longer time the same night, outside Juliet’s bedroom. The next morning, Romeo went to Friar Lawrence and said,
Then plainly know my heart’s dear love is set
On the fair daughter of rich Capulet;
As mine on hers, so hers is set on mine,
And all combined, save what thou must combine
By holy marriage…. but this I pray,
That thou consent to marry us today.
(2.3.57-61, 63-64)
Flynn 2
Romeo and Juliet knew each other for less than twenty-four hours, and they wanted to be married the next day. Clearly, they did not give themselves enough time to truly know each other’s character qualities. They fell in love with each other because of looks alone. Teenagers today may desire to rush into love with someone else

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