Rossini and Il Barbiere di Siviglia
Gioachino Rossini, like many great composers, was born in the right place at the right time. The musical firmament was still mourning the loss of Wolfgang Mozart in 1792 when Rossini was born. His parents were both gifted musicians, and young Gioachino was in a music conservatory by the age of 14. Rossini composed ten operas within the following seven years and had established himself as a gifted composer in the opera buffa style. This genre of comic opera was strikingly different from the rigorous opera seria, but it still managed to acquire some noticeable traits. Primarily, the arias in opera buffe shirk the da capo style of the seria mold. The subject matter deals frequently
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Rossini snuck out of the Teatro Argentina and went home, retiring for the evening without so much as a word to anyone. The following evening, however, was a stark contrast. The composer did not attend the performance, but he heard a crowd with torches in the street following the show. He fully expected an angry mob, but was greeted by an adulatory audience shouting “Bravo!” Almaviva became immensely popular, and the title was eventually changed to Il Barbiere di Siviglia. This alteration established Rossini’s work as the ultimate expression of the story, and the work is now considered widely as one of the greatest comic operas ever written.
An aria from Barbiere that incorporates many of the typical buffa elements is 'La calunnia é un venticello' from the first act. Often called the 'Calumny aria', La calunnia is the first aria sung by the unscrupulous music teacher, Don Basilio. He sings to Bartolo about defaming Almaviva through calumny, malicious lies. The aria opens slowly, softly in D major as Basilio describes his slander as a gentle breeze which begins to gather force. Rossini's orchestration embodies this concept, as a simple ascending scale in thirds begins in the strings. The pianissimo marking gives way to piano as the pattern moves to a phrase in b minor. The tune continues to meander through tonalities until it arrives back in D major. Basilio reiterates that his lies “gather
REVIEW Edgar Rossi has exceptional skills, but because of his behavior and association with alcohol he is affecting those he works with and costing the company money in lost production time. Over the last six months I have witnessed Rossi’s behavior become more erratic and I have smelled liquor on his breath more than once. With my coworkers and I covering for his lack of work, none of the managers have not noticed Rossi’s inconsistent behavior as of yet.
In any musical drama, be it opera, oratorio, or even musical theatre, it is possible for a composer to convey the personality of their characters through compositional and musical techniques. Doing so heightens the audience’s understanding of the characters, their motivations, and the relationships between them. Monteverdi, as a pioneer of opera, was one of the first to capitalize on this opportunity to heighten the audience’s understanding of the characters. This is highly apparent in his last opera, L’Incoronazione di Poppea. The music for two of the characters, Poppea and Nerone, is especially well composed to demonstrate personality, and this is no more apparent than in the dialogue which introduces the audience to them, Signor, deh
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In particular, the great and moving chorus of nostalgia in Nabucco, "Va, Pensiero" was experienced as an expression of the yearning of the Italian people for liberty and independence. I Lombardi alla prima crociata inevitable reminded the people in Lombardy occupied by Austrians of their own warlike past of resistance to German oppressors. La battaglia di Legnano, more than any other opera by Verdi reflects the composer`s assertive patriotism, with a clear parallel between the plot and recent events during the revolution of 1848. In Attila, the line of Enzio, the Roman envoy to Attila, the invader of Italy, "Avrai tu l`universo, resti l`Italia a me!"(You may have the universe, but leave Italy to me) aroused a frenzy of enthusiasm in Italian audience of that
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Dante Alighieri was a very well known and influential poet in early literature. “He was not only a poet, he was also a philosophical thinker, an active politician, and a religious visionary'; (Holmes 1). Dante was born in Florence in 1265, into the Guelph political party, one of the two main parties in Florence. The Guelphs were aristocrats and nobles. They supported the church and papacy and were against the Renaissance. Their opposition was the Ghibellini Party who consisted of the rising merchant class. They supported the emperor and wanted to gain power from the pope (Holmes 22). During his earlier years Dante was neutral politically, but he
Giacomo Puccini has written a number of operas, including Turandot, Gianni Schicchi, and Madama Butterfly. La Bohème is said to be “one of the most successful and enchanting operas ever written.” Written in the romantic period, the text and score interrelations play an important role in an overall aesthetically and historically pleasing opera. In a story of love found and love lost, Puccini uses text and score to create empathy for the characters of La Boheme. Puccini does so particularly in the aria Donde lieta uscì, sung by Mimi towards the end of Act III.
The operas of Verdi and Puccini form the basic repertoire of every opera house in the world. Verdi and Puccini belong to different eras. These two composers are very different. So their approach to drama, singing, orchestration and prep much everything are all a bit different. They also had totally different personalities and interests. Giuseppe Verdi was born in 1813 and settled in Milan in 1839. He followed Bellini, Donizetti and Rossini. All of Verdi's operas shared one special characteristic that marks him off from other composers. That characteristic is the Verdian musical pulse starts with every overture and lasts until the end of the work. Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924) was born in the lovely city of Lucca. Puccini followed Verdi, but not
Bottega Veneta was established in 1966 by Michele Taddei and Renzo Zengiaro in Vicenza. The name Bottega Veneta means “Venetian shop” in Italian. Bottega Veneta prided themselves on craftsmanship. They developed a leather weaving technique called intrecciato that remains a signature of the brand. In the beginning of the 1970s, Bottega Veneta built its reputation around the irreproachable quality of their work and advertising with the tag line “When your own initials are enough" - the discretion of their designs. The motto “When your own initials are enough” conveys a concept of individuality and confidence that now applies to women and men’s leather goods, ready-to-wear, shoes, jewellery, furniture and more. By the early 1980s, Bottega Veneta
Cited:1. Balthazar, Scott Leslie. Evolving conventions in Italian serious opera: scene structure in the works of Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti and Verdi. University of Pennsylvania, 1985.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed The Marriage of Figaro in 1786. For this assignment, the focus was mainly on the first act of The Marriage of Figaro. The excerpt given was divided into two main sections. First, I would like to expand on the opera as a whole. Next, I will discuss the first section given. Then, I will discuss the second.
Antonio feels closer to Bassanio than any other character in The Merchant of Venice. Our first clue to this is in the first scene when, in conversation with Antonio, Solanio says, "Here comes Bassanio, your most noble kinsman, / Gratiano, and Lorenzo. Fare ye well: / We leave you now with better company" (i. i. 57-59). Once Antonio is alone with Bassanio, the conversation becomes more intimate, and Antonio offers an indebted Bassanio "My purse, my person, my extremest means" (137). We find out later that Bassanio needs money to woo Portia, a noble heiress who Bassanio intends to marry. And though Antonio is not in a position to loan money at the time, he does not disappoint
The Italian Renaissance was one of the most colorful, vital, and exciting times in history. Renaissance eventually comes from the French word "Renaistre," meaning "to be born again." The Renaissance was a revival or a rebirth of cultural awareness and learning among art, law, language, literature, philosophy, science, and mathematics. This period took place between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries. The Renaissance in Italy flourished in the 15th century and spread throughout most of Europe in the 16th century.
The Renaissance and Baroque era entailed very different characteristics, due to the Renaissance composers writing more freely and being more individual then those of the Baroque era where they followed more ‘rules’ and experimented less. This essay will show the difference in two pieces by different composers, even though they were written less than a century apart.