
Rudolph Holton Case

Decent Essays

Rudolph Holton
It is very difficult to understand the nature of crime and the wide actions that the police in any given society work together to fulfill frequent elements to stop criminals. Society and their dealing with criminals and placing themselves in a better day to day basis take a lot of structured elements and behavior but some time to time then and there, people are convicted of a crime they did not commit. Although dealing with different criminals is seen as difficult what happens to the wrongfully convicted? Is there an underlying sentiment in that public and society that can deal with these types of individual’s? Police and law enforcements are often faced with tough moral decisions on a day to day basis but what is the price …show more content…

The case was that Rudolph Holton appealed his conviction for first-degree murder and sentence of death. Facing the challenges of his convictions for first-degree murder and sexual battery assault to a woman. On June 23, 1986, a woman was practically found unclothed it was the body of Katrina Graddy, that was found in a burning vacant house. Leaving everyone in doubt of who could’ve done that to her. In the crime scene they found pieces of her clothing that someone had tied around her neck and around Katrina’s wrist. The scene was so traumatizing that they say that a glass bottle was partially inserted in her intimate parts. Soon law enforcement tested sperm remaining in the victim's body coming to find that the tests were all negative. From the many police men who were studying the case the victim's body, police men questioned Carl Scheck who had been found sleeping his truck parked directly across from the burning house. He told investigators that he had been parked there for about an hour from 10:00 or 11:00 p.m. the night before. He stated that he knew nothing, that he was just waiting for the hitchhiker. Scheck kept saying that he fell asleep during that time and eventually was awakened by the fire engines night. From the …show more content…

Also, the state explained it was concerned that they would not be sympathetic toward the victim because she was a prostitute. Therefore, the prospective juror might believe the victim was in some way responsible for what had occurred because the victim had been a prostitute. Soon Holton's claim that the evidence at trial was insufficient to support him being the murder. "due to the unreliability of witness testimony and the lack of physical evidence, the State of Florida cannot proceed to trial." Holton was soon

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