Saint Anthony
“Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony please come around, something is lost that must be found”: a prayer I find myself saying too often. It’s said as a final plea for help after the drawers have been emptied, old receipts and dried up lip balms strewn across the floor and steps have been retraced to the local grocery checkout. It’s said when the search for car keys, teeth or sense of direction is in swing and eyes are peeled to places that said object could not fit. The prayer has been used for playful misplacements to credit cards, yet almost every time I ask myself how the ability to lose things comes as a second nature to my family. I am convinced that somewhere in the Bennett brain there is a tiny switch that turns off the ability to keep track of one's personal items, if no switch was found, my intrigue in this inability would excel. My mother, sister, grandma and I have lost nearly everything. When my grandma was alive I would visit her house down the hill to find her dainty, frail fingers covering her mouth at that fact that her fake teeth were somewhere in the tattered home. A search party would break out among the nearby,
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I often find joy in the search. When searching in the comfort of my home or my grandma’s, we were and are left with the hope that this item, this piece vital to our daily routine has to be somewhere. I often ask my mom how she is so prone to losing things, especially her sense of direction Sometimes I go back to this Bennett gene, or possibly her frizzing red hair. Maybe it’s her eight siblings and a single mother. A house that large and so much to keep track of, no possession seems to be claimed your own. Even my mother’s birthday was lost in walls of their home as she went to the DMV to find she had been celebrating two days earlier for 16
Deep in the thick swamps and woods of Northern Gulf County, amidst the buzz and sting of mosquitoes, chirps of squirrels, and swirls of the Apalachicola, is a long-lost story. One hundred and eighty years ago the town of Iola sprang out of the cypress swamp of what is now north east Gulf County. That small community, was, and still is an enigma in the wilderness of territorial Florida and has all but faded from the memory of Gulf County and is nothing but a boat ramp now.
St. Ignatius of Antioch understood the Christian faith to be objective and sensible, stating that Christianity is fundamentally a religion based in historic, tangible realties . He was adamant to the fact that Jesus Christ was a real human with real flesh; he encountered real suffering and died a truly human death. Ignatius saw Christian faith and the person of Jesus Christ in such a way that it put him at odds with the Gnostics, who held to a Docetic Christology that was circulating widely among the Church. For Ignatius, this was a serious issue that needed to be addressed due to the purity of the faith and the truth it held. At stake was the validity of the incarnation, suffering, death, and resurrection of the person of Jesus Christ. If this is not real or true, Ignatius believed that man
There are many items that I have in my possession that make me feel accomplished or an item that I use just daily. There is however, some items that have absolutely no idea why I have, and continue to hold on to them. For example, I still have a karate trophy that I really don’t pride, a computer hard drive that should have been thrown away, and some empty boxes of Run Gum. It’s either I don’t want it or I don’t need it, and these three items I really should not have, but will continue to possess.
Saint Sebastian is the Patron of Saint of three things. Those three things are soldiers, athletes and those who desire a saintly death. However, in Saint Sebastian’s lifespan he shows multiple Gifts of the Holy Spirit, why he is a saint, and why he is chose to be my patron saint for my Confirmation. But, to know why he shows multiple Gifts of the Holy Spirit, why he is a saint and chosen to be the patron saint for my confirmation’ we would need the history of Saint Sebastian first.
Throughout the 18 years, I have lived on this earth I can say that I have experienced what it means to lose something very valuable
Humans struggle their entire lives to find affection that satisfies them. We assign this affection to objects that we obtain throughout our lives. An engagement ring, for example, is a large meaning attached to a small object. While it still has quite a high expense, women care more about the man who it’s from than the store, well, hopefully. In Akiko Busch’s story The Uncommon Life of Common Objects, she explores the objects her two sons, and people in general, become attached to over time. There’s a certain box she brings up and says “Sometimes the little box had value, sometimes it had none, and its worth seemed to come and go, by pure chance” (1). She discusses why certain things are worth more than others and why certain things have more
Later that night, I had lost it. You know that feeling where you have completely given yourself up. Your mind, body, and soul are practically up for adoption holding a
difficult item to adorn. And so the idea of Mary’s closet came to light. Because of my love of
People hold on to pieces of jewelry, furniture, and other symbolic collectables that is passed through generations. These things can remind a person of a loved one that is seen as being priceless.
and my mom’s jewelry. They didn’t take nothing from me, and I had a stash of money. When we move at first me and my sister were sad because I was going to
Cobwebs and dust covered the old boxes. I wiped off a box that was different from the rest, it was black and made from silver. I knew this is where my dad kept the old photos. I blew off the dust and coughed as I opened the box, inside were two photo albums, one for my dad’s side and one for my mom’s. I grabbed Dad’s album and flipped through it, looking for an old picture of grandpa, maybe when he was
I mean sure we’ve all lost something before but if we would have just put it back
Do you have an item that you have embraced since young? I am sure we all sure do. Yours could be a fluffy toy animal, a "blankie", or a memorable toy. As for Kathy, this previous possession is none other than her Judy Bridgewater "Songs After Dark" cassette tape. She adores this tape perhaps more than anything else in the entire book, including Tommy (or maybe not).
When something extraordinary is done by God in the Old Testament, he often changes the person's name as a sign. So, in Catholic tradition, there are many life-changing situations when a person takes on a new name in addition or in place of the old one. Confirmation is one of these life-changing events, and, as per tradition, one who finishes confirmation chooses a patron saint to fill this name. I, Darwin Diaz, have chosen the patron saint of animals and ecology, Saint Francis of Assisi. In this essay will act as a report on Saint Francis of Assisi’s life and will illustrate why i fell Saint Francis of Assisi is the right patron saint for me.
One thing that I am afraid to lose has already been lost. This is to no fault of my own, even the greatest amount of effort will not bring this thing back. You’re probably thinking, ask your mom where it is, moms can find anything. But in this case, this thing that every child needs is lost from my life and is lost from yours as well. This thing is innocence.