Saint Quiteria To me, Saint Quiteria has proven she is more than worthy of being called a saint. Saint Quiteria was born during the second century, and was a part of a nonuplet, or nine children born at the same time. Quiteria’s mother and father were both high figures a part of the Roman Empire. Her mother feared she would be compared to an animal, because of the amount of daughters she had at once, she ordered a maiden from town to drown her nine baby daughters. The maiden taking mercy on the children, decided to raise them with the other peasant women. The nine children were raised in a close-community and raised in the Catholic faith. A few years later, the daughters were arrested for refusing to believe in a Roman god, and they were all taken to the governor – who was their father¬ - who recognized them through their familiar features. …show more content…
After discovering what his (the governors) wife had done, he imprisoned the girls, and tried to marry them off to military Roman officer. The girls however, found a way out of the tower, and joined a guerilla warfare group against the romans. Saint Quiteria was captured and beheaded; and she died a virgin and a martyr. Along with her death, two of her sisters were also martyred and they soon became saints after. In some stories, after Quiteria is beheaded, she is thrown into a lake. In Portuguese, Saint Quiteria is depicted by walking out of a lake with her head in their hands. Saint Quiteria, in some arts is also painted or drawn keeping two vicious and aggressive dogs calm by talking to them softly, and
Saint Quiteria and her 8 sisters were born in the 5th century. They were abandoned by her mother because she was disgusted that she gave birth to 9 children like an animal. She demanded that the nurse drown the babies in the river but instead the nurse took them to an isolated village where Saint Quiteria and her sisters grew up together. The sisters formed a cult like group, freeing Christians and waging wars against the Roman Empire. As an adult, Saint Quiteria was against the worship of Roman gods. Saint Quiteria and her group traveled to different locations breaking Christians out of jail. Saint Quiteria was the leader of the “Nine Nonuplet Sisters.” She, and along with her sisters, refused to marry Roman officials under their father’s
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini was born in Sant'Angelo Landigiano, Italy in 1850. She was born the youngest of the thirteen children by Agostino Cabrini and Stella Oldini, who were cherry tree farmers. Sadly, only four of the thirteen children survived. Born premature, small and weak, Cabrini grew up living in delicate health throughout her life. At the age of thirteen she went to school that was run by the Daughters of the Sacred Heart, and five years later graduated with a teaching certificate. She then applied for admission to the religious congregation of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart. But unfortunately, these sisters reluctantly told her she was too fragile for their way of living, so she went to Codogno, where she became a head mistress
Now, how does the Latino culture play a part of a Latina’s self-esteem? There is this concept, Marianismo, that affects a girl's self-esteem in a good and bad way. Marianismo is the female equivalent of machismo; it is considered to be the realization of the feminine, and characterized by hyper feminine behavior. This could seem bad because it’s basically women accepting their roles, such as, housewives, in the Mexican culture.
In 1295, in a small town of Montpellier, France, a young boy named Roch was born. He was not just a normal boy; at his birth Roch had a red cross on his breast. Roch was born into a very wealthy family; his father was the governor of Montpellier. However at the age of twenty both of his parents tragically died and he had given all of his money to the poor. He was orphaned by his uncle, the new governor of Montpellier. He was later sent as a spy to Italy, disguised as a mendicant pilgrim.
The saint of success, Saint Thalia was a daughter to a deeply rooted patrician family from the Serene Repulic of Pisa. Their dynasty stretched back hundreds of years and was of immense prestige and local fame. Thalia was one of many children bore to the family, unfortunately she was female and couldn't inherit the title of Heir. She simply became another marriage tie, so she was sent off to far away isles to marry one of the affluent petty nobles whom sought ventures to create his very own republic in the north. Unforunately he died shortly after the marriage and Thalia took over control of the local trade. She made a sizeable amount of money, at least in terms of the local average. Soon after her spreading fame and gathering of wealth she
Saints Perpetua, Saint Felicity along with several others showed bravery a courageousness when they refused to renounce their faith as Christians during the reign of Emperor Diocletian in Rome sometime between 202-203 A.D. During this time, Christianity was not a recognized religion, therefore, it was illegal and anyone who was found practising Christianity was sentenced to death if they did not abide by the accustomed religion practised. Many of Romans practiced polytheism which is the worshiping of multiple deities, which are usually assembled into a pantheon of gods and goddesses. Because Christians believed in one God, numerous were persecuted for their faith. The Christian martyrs no the other hand did not care that they were sentenced to death, in fact, they believed that by dying for what they believed in would bring them honour and put them one step closer to their God where he was waiting to welcome them into the Gates of Heaven. According to “Martyrdom viewed as a second baptism, a baptism in blood, was seen as an instant guarantee of a place in heaven at Christ’s right hand, and of the forgiveness of all sins.” To the martyrs, there was nothing more
Saint Sebastian is the Patron of Saint of three things. Those three things are soldiers, athletes and those who desire a saintly death. However, in Saint Sebastian’s lifespan he shows multiple Gifts of the Holy Spirit, why he is a saint, and why he is chose to be my patron saint for my Confirmation. But, to know why he shows multiple Gifts of the Holy Spirit, why he is a saint and chosen to be the patron saint for my confirmation’ we would need the history of Saint Sebastian first.
Clare a plain robe and veil. Under the advisement of Francis of Assisi, Saint Clare decided to join the convent of the Benedictine Nuns of San Paulo. Saint Clare showed an extreme amount of courage and strength, by giving her entire life for Jesus Christ. Over time, other women joined the convent to become brides of Christ, and gave up their wealth and money. They were called the “Poor Ladies of San Damiano” and were known for their devotion to the Lord and how powerful their prayers were; which is why Assisi was saved from invaders twice. Over time they ended up naming the order “The Poor Ladies”.
St. Francis of Assisi was born on 1181 in Assisi with the name Giovanni di Bernadone. When he was baptized his mother named him after John the Baptist. His father though wanted a man of business and not a man of god, so his father named him Francesco. He was named Francesco because his father was obsessed with France. Francis grew up rich, because of his fathers wealth. He was the leader of a crowd who partied all night long. There is a quote from him where he said, “I lived in sin” during the times that he partied. Francis like his father wanted was good at Business, but what he really wanted to do was become a noble. His chance at becoming a noble came when Assisi declared war on Perugia, a nearby town. Most the Assisi troops were killed in the fight,
When I first went to St. Mary's in preschool did never wanted to go because I just wanted to stay home. That's how it was for my early schooling years, but eventually I made friends and was having a good time at school. I think that the School of St. Mary has made me a better person throughout my life. My favorite thing at St. Mary's was the sports some years we didn't win often and other years we did. At school the teachers helped me reach my academic goals and were very nice to me. Now in eighth grade I like going to school to see my friends and teachers. In school right now I have a lot of fun. My favorite at St. Mary's are math and science. With great teachers like Ms. Baniewcz I can reach the moon. St. Mary's has taught me well and I will
Saint Peter was born in Bethsaida Gaulanitis, Syria Roman Empire at around 1 AD. Peter’s feast day is on the twenty ninth of June. Bethsaida Gaulanitis was near where the Jordan River enters the Sea of Gennesaret. This place was abandoned at around 65 AD. Peter’s original name appointed to him by his parents was Simon, it became Peter when Jesus changed his name. His father’s name was Jonah. Jonah was a physically strong individual, hence he became a fisherman. Peter deeply followed in his father’s footsteps. His mother’s name was Perpetua. Not much is known about her. Peter also had a brother named, Andrew. Andrew was another one of Jesus’s twelve disciples. Peter did not go to school, he was just taught by his father in the trade of fishing
Kelly Riggs, Saint Catherine of Siena For My saint report I chose Saint Catherine of Siena, she was born on March 25, 1347, in black death-ravaged Siena, Italy. She was the last out of 25 kids, many of those didn’t survive childhood because of plague like diseases. I chose this saint for many reasons; her intelligent quotes, her determination, and the will to help others. She is known for, fire, miscarriages, illness, and many more things.
In conclusion, Joan of Arc was a great and brave woman who had visions from the archangel Michael and fought to make free Orleans, also she died as a martyr and is considered as a heroine of France for her role during the Hundred Years' War. I really think that this woman is an example to follow, who served God and her
Saints are always different from everyday people, thus no one understands them in their lives, only a lot of years after their death. Joan of Arc was a saint like this as well, she was too far ahead of her times and was killed by her fellow men, because they didn’t know what else to do. She was canonized in 1920, after 489 years of her death. In my opinion, she was not only a saint, but meant to be an angel and showed a good example to all of us, how to behave ourselves in the name of honour, honesty, and glory.
St. Margaret of Cortona’s life started much differently than many would suspect, but she finished out her life as a servant of God. She was born in Tuscany, Loviana in 1247 to a farming family who spoiled her. As a beautiful only child she yearned for companionship. St. Margaret of Cortona noticed that men seemed to notice her wherever she went.