
Salvia divinorum, Herb of Mary, the Shepherdess Essay

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Salvia divinorum, Herb of Mary, the Shepherdess

Salvia divinorum Epling & J. Tiva-M. is a member of the mint family (or Lamiaceae) native to the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico. It is used by the Mazatec Indians of the region, in a manner similar to psilocybian mushrooms and lysergic acid-containing morning glory seeds, as a ritual entheogen (hallucinogen) and divinatory aid. It is propagated vegetatively by the Mazatecs, and no wild specimens of the plant have been observed by researchers. The diterpene salvinorin A is the chemical responsible for the visionary effects of this species. The plant now enjoys limited use among "basement shamans" in the North as an entheogen similar to LSD and psilocybian mushrooms, and is sometimes cultivated …show more content…

However, one Mazatec shaman has indicated that the plant grows wild in the Sierra Mazateca highlands, and "wild" stands (possibly escaped cultivars) have been observed by field researchers (Valds 1994). It has been suggested that S. divinorum is a hybrid, but support for this assertion is lacking (Reisfield 1993).

Mazatec Use

The Mazatec Indians of mountainous Oaxaca know S. divinorum by several names. Most of the names illustrate the relationship between the plant and the Virgin Mary, such as ska Maria Pastora (the herb of Mary, the Shepherdess), hojas de Maria (leaves of Mary), and yerba Maria (herb of Mary). The plant is believed to be an incarnation of the Virgin Mary, and is treated with great respect (Valds et al. 1983). The names are clearly influenced by Catholic iconography, but the Biblical Mary was not a shepherdess and the sheep is a post-conquest introduction, so this linguistic connection is rather puzzling (Epling and J. Tiva-M. 1962).

The plant is used as a substitute for psylocibian mushrooms (Psilocybe spp.) when the fungi are not available (Wasson 1962), and as the first step in shamanic initiation. When one wishes to become a healer, one must master ska Maria to "become acquainted with the 'way to Heaven.'" Then, the apprentice must learn to use morning glory (Rivea corymbosa) seeds, and finally, mushrooms, the most powerful of the Mazatec entheogens (Valds et al. 1983).

Ska Maria is used by

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