
Sam Smith's 'The Good Life'

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called to respond. They came to the conclusion that sinning separates us from God. The prophets decided to share their knowledge and messages with people so that they could form a healthy relationship with God, free from punishment and consequences. Sam Smith conveys the message of the damages adultery does to a marriage by expressing the emotional distress it has caused the wife: “I can’t believe you let me down, but the proof’s in the way it hurts.” This shows that the wife feels betrayed by her husband’s actions that put a strain on their relationship, as well as the trust she had in him. Sam Smith also shows that the husband put his wife in an awful position as she longs to detach herself from her negative circumstances, while at the same …show more content…

It may also be referred to as the ‘Christian way’ or the ‘Catholic way.’ There are six key elements of the Good Life, however, the sin of adultery is contrary to the Good Life as it goes against the key elements of the development of a personal conscience, the development of a social conscience and concern for the other, and living life according to the virtues. If an individual has a personal conscience, they will know and feel that it is wrong to commit infidelity as it is immoral and unethical. The husband in this song clearly has not formed a personal conscience, as if he had, he would not be committing adultery. He has not developed a social conscience and concern for the other as well, as he is not consciously thinking about how his actions will affect his wife and their future together. He is neglecting their marriage and failing to put in effort to form a strong and long lasting relationship. He is also being ignorant to the fact that he is betraying his wife’s trust and love for him. Furthermore, the husband is not living by the virtues of chastity and temperance. Chastity is not being fulfilled as the husband is not being honest with his wife about his unfaithfulness, his ignorance for his wife’s emotional state causes their marriage to suffer, and he is not able to refrain from being distracted and tempted by his mistress. The husband does not practice temperance as he is unable to control the …show more content…

Individuals need to be aware of how severe a sin infidelity is, and the strain it puts on their relationship with God. Once people know the consequences of adultery, they will be more inclined to fight the temptations they may experience that urge them towards unfaithfulness. Furthermore, if people feel that there is a strain within their relationships, they can arrange marriage counselling in order to learn different strategies that may be useful in strengthening their marriage. Marriage counselling may help spouses to communicate the problems within their relationship and make their worries known to one another. By doing this, spouses will be able to resolve the majority of the conflicts they are experiencing, limiting their desire and urge to find another person to fill the void they

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