
Essay on Sample Business Plan

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XYZ COMPANY LIMITED BUSINESS PLAN Strictly Private & Confidential XYZ Company Limited The Old Manor House Somewhere Down South Avalon AV1 234B Tel: 01234 567 890 Fax: 01234 567 891 E-mail: Executive Summary The executive summary is the most important part of the business plan. Many people will only read this. The summary in itself will not secure an investor, however, it can loose them. Quality - the quality of the summary must therefore be outstanding and you should pay particular attention to it. Obtain critical feedback from others on your drafts. Stand-alone - it is also used as a stand-alone document when introducing the project to others so it must be able to capture interest and …show more content…

The figures stated are purely illustrative and do not constitute a forecast. Before investing in a project readers are strongly advised to verify all material facts and information for themselves and seek advice from a person authorized under the Financial Services Act. Introduction to the Business and its Management Introduce the business and what it does / will do. Describe concisely how the project came about and progressed to the present situation. Explain who is involved, what are there positions, what relevant experience and qualifications do they have. Include a one-paragraph biography on each (full CV in the Appendix). State what stage the business is at now. Highlight briefly the most salient features of the company's products and services – their competitive advantage. Explain any "evidence of success" you may have – from customer orders, market testing, working prototypes, expressions of interest, industry recognition, etc. Outline any other factors that have increased the likelihood of success. Do you have any Non-Executive Directors or Mentors who add value to the Board, and will give potential investors more confidence through their expertise, be they sector experts or generally experienced business people? List them with a brief biography highlighting achievements and relevant experience. Outline any skill gaps you still need to fill, and how you intend to do so. If you do not

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