
Sample Population Of 303 Beneficiaries Received Palliative Radiation Treatment Essay

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The final sample population of 303 beneficiaries received palliative radiation treatment in 2014 to bone metastases. Of those 303 beneficiaries, 24 beneficiaries (7.92%) had single-fraction treatments and 279 beneficiaries (92.1%) had multi-fraction treatments. The majority were 65-75 years of age (n=129; 42.6%) and 76-85 years of age (n=106; 35%). The mean age was 73.3 years, and the majority were Caucasian (n=276; 91.1%). The majority of all radiation treatments are in the Southeast (n=123; 40.6%) and gender was mostly balanced, with slightly more males than females. Overall, in our study the most common type of primary cancer to receive radiation for bone metastases are those with a primary diagnosis of lung cancer. Table 1 titled Demographic and Primary Malignancy Characteristics, provides a summary of the demographics.
Of the 25 beneficiaries that received a single-fraction course of treatment, the most common site of primary diagnosis was lung (n=10; 55.6%), prostate (n=3; 16.7%) and kidney (n=2; 11.1%). The mean age was 74.5 years and gender was proportionate. The majority of patients were from the southeast region (n=12; 50%) of the US. Most beneficiaries were in the age group 76-85 (n=12; 50%), followed by 65-75 year olds (n =8; 33.3%).
Of the 278 beneficiaries that received multi-fraction course of treatment, the most common primary diagnosis was lung (n=57; 24.3%), prostate (n=52; 22.1%) and breast (n=48; 20.4%). The mean age was 73.6 years of age and

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