
Sample Questionnaire : Sample Survey Questionnaire

Satisfactory Essays

Appendix B Sample of Survey Questionnaire Please choose from the following descriptions the relationship style that best describes your current relationship style or if you are single the style best describes your ideal relationship. Circle only one response: 0 – In my relationship my partner(s) and/or I are free to develop romantic, loving relationships with other people that may or may not include having sexual foreplay or sex (oral, manual, or intercourse). My partner(s) and I are open and honest in discussing the other relationships. 1 – In my relationship my partner and/or I engage in purely recreational sexual foreplay or sex (oral, manual, or intercourse) with others either individually or together. Friendships may evolve, but my only romantic, loving relationship is with my partner. My partner and I are open and honest in discussing these sexual encounters. 2 – In my relationship either my partner or I enjoy using mechanical and physical restraints on the other and/or controlling the other and/or inflicting pain or humiliation on the other. Either my partner or I enjoy being the recipient of restraint, control, or pain or humiliation. We may include other people in our sexual relationship. 3- In my relationship my partner and I agree that either one or both of us may engage in outside sexual relationships but we do not talk about it. 4 – In my relationship my partner and I agree to having sex in front of others or watching others have sex, but we do not

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