
Sandberg Women Equality

Decent Essays

As I read this essay, I began to realize that women do not have the general equality as men in a lot of aspects. Unfortunately, this is a real and terrible thing, I believe in equality for all people, Due to my obvious non-female point of view, I thought for a long time that inequality for women was not a real problem and it was just something that was a common “complaint” that was brought up a lot in debate and even casual conversation due to it’s controversial nature, but after reading this essay, I decided to look into it more and try to remember times that I could think of situations like the ones Sandberg used in the essay, after doing so I realized that more than a few of the points Sandberg brought up were true. Such as saying that when men are called ambitious or when men take control of a situation, they are praised for their ambition and willingness to take lead, while if I woman is called ambitious it has a somewhat negative connotation and if they try to assume control, they are called …show more content…

In recent years however, truly starting in with Generation X or so, women began being taught that they could do whatever and be whatever they wished to if they simply applied themselves. I think this a great thing and a step in the right direction on the long road to equality, while I do agree with equality there a few things that I think are rightfully in place to certain extent. One being the fact of men making more on average than women, I believe that the fact that men on average take more dangerous or hazardous jobs than women do, i.e; underwater welding, commercial fishing, law enforcement. Not to say that women do not perform these jobs or that men perform better in these careers but saying that these are not the typical jobs to see a woman do. However, when it comes to the more mundane day to day jobs, i.e; office jobs and the like, men and women that share the same positions and responsibilities should receive the same

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