
Benefits Of Children Believing In Santa Claus

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The Christmas Debate: Benefits of Children Believing in Santa Claus
Shortly after the trees appear barren after losing all their leaves, most houses and businesses also alter appearances for the season. Many families drag out boxes of red and green decorations to transform their homes for the holidays. Parents may brave the line stretching down the mall so their child can tell Father Christmas, or Santa Claus, what he or she wishes to unwrap on Christmas morning. Some question the effect on a child’s health or morals associated with the belief in Santa Claus, but with research and psychologists weighing in on the subject state there is no traumatic evidence apparent in letting a child have faith in Santa Claus. Evidence gathered by these studies may suggest a benefit for youth. Children should have the opportunity to believe in Santa Claus because it enhances creativity and can improve mental health, shows young individuals an example of giving without expecting anything in return, and when the time comes, forces kids to distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality. Fraser (2015) found that the individual whose story inspired the mythical Santa, also known as Saint Nicholas, originates from a bishop living in Turkey during the third century. Nikolaos of Myra refused to worship the then Roman Emperor Diocletian, and was imprisoned until Emperor Constantine freed the Christians five years later. He went on to show kindness and compassion by anonymously giving gifts

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