
Sap Case Study Essay

Satisfactory Essays

SAP AG (System Application and Products) was started in the year 1972 by Five IBM ex-employees named as SAP the business management software company headquarter in walldorf, Germany with location in more than 1`30 countires and also the world leader in Enterprise Software and Software related services. Exploring over 40 years of innovation. SAP application and services enables more than 197,000 customers to operate profits. And now SAP is the world leader in entrerprise application software and worlds third largest software manufracture companyLeads a global for sustain related initiatives, from the creation of the solution for SAP customers to SAP operations. The five ex-employees work day and night to create a accounting software …show more content…

In 1988 SAP went public on the Frankfurt stock exchange and by 1990 become the global leader of business and application software company. Its products were increasingly being recognized as superior to other ERP products. Later in 1992 SAP introduced its R/3 package. The R/3 was composed of seven different modules within it like production planning, material management, financial accounting, asset management, HR management. As the service to industry expertise, accelerated and methodologies to ensure leading companies get superior value for their investments.
In 1997 SAP sought quick fix problems by releasing its new R/3 version for ERP internet enabled SCM and CRM solutions. SCM program forecast on future needs and CRM is known as front office business. Based on Pre- Sales, Sales and Post-Sales. SAP seeks to expand CRM market share in the cloud with its on demand solution. CRM program are rapidly growing popularity because they lead to better customer retention and satisfaction. As with all rapid growing business, the need to manage the fit between its strategy and structure become its major priority. At the company 2007 Business By Design launch announcement. SAP predicted the company would achieve 10,000 more customers by 2010and actual results were about 100. SAP business suite and R/3 systems and global availability beyond the initial six countries of China, France, Germany, India, UK and US to include Austria,

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