
Creative Writing: Say Cheese !

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Say Cheese!! It is October 10, the day all teenagers dread. The one day everyone must look their best. The day their parents stress themselves out just so their child looks their best in their photos that will be imprinted in their history forever and ever. The alarm rings and echoes all throughout the house. Arnold’s mom wakes up, and shrieks at the top of her lungs, “ARNOLD, WAKE UP! Get out of bed. Feed Barney, and eat your breakfast or else!” Arnold wakes up, groggily staring at his messy room decorated with clothes all over the floor. He gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom. “Ouch, that has been the fifth time I stepped on Mike’s ukulele”, as he thought to himself about how that guitar got there in the first place. Mike, his little brother, about eight years of …show more content…

What is the worst that can happen today?" "Shhhhh, the news reporter is speaking. Please quiet down," exclaimed father. “Kids have gone missing from various schools for some unknown reason. Teachers reported that those kids who mysteriously disappeared were present during attendance but then vanished after school pictures." "Well, that's weird. How could kids just dissolve into thin air?" Arnold’s mom just finished packing both his and Mikey’s lunches when she said, "Okay, guys, time for school. Grab your bags and get into the car." "Alright, Mom! Bye Dad, have a great day at work!” “Bye kids, have an awesome day at school!” They grabbed their lunches and left their house. They got into the car where their mom drove them to school. "You know Mikey, I'm really troubled about what I saw on the news. Could it be true? Will more students disappear? It is picture day after all," said Arnold anxiously. "Hey you know, I bet they are just fooling you. Maybe they are just urban legends like Bigfoot and Nessie. You will be fine Arnold, don't be such a big baby about it," replied

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