Say Cheese!! It is October 10, the day all teenagers dread. The one day everyone must look their best. The day their parents stress themselves out just so their child looks their best in their photos that will be imprinted in their history forever and ever. The alarm rings and echoes all throughout the house. Arnold’s mom wakes up, and shrieks at the top of her lungs, “ARNOLD, WAKE UP! Get out of bed. Feed Barney, and eat your breakfast or else!” Arnold wakes up, groggily staring at his messy room decorated with clothes all over the floor. He gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom. “Ouch, that has been the fifth time I stepped on Mike’s ukulele”, as he thought to himself about how that guitar got there in the first place. Mike, his little brother, about eight years of …show more content…
What is the worst that can happen today?" "Shhhhh, the news reporter is speaking. Please quiet down," exclaimed father. “Kids have gone missing from various schools for some unknown reason. Teachers reported that those kids who mysteriously disappeared were present during attendance but then vanished after school pictures." "Well, that's weird. How could kids just dissolve into thin air?" Arnold’s mom just finished packing both his and Mikey’s lunches when she said, "Okay, guys, time for school. Grab your bags and get into the car." "Alright, Mom! Bye Dad, have a great day at work!” “Bye kids, have an awesome day at school!” They grabbed their lunches and left their house. They got into the car where their mom drove them to school. "You know Mikey, I'm really troubled about what I saw on the news. Could it be true? Will more students disappear? It is picture day after all," said Arnold anxiously. "Hey you know, I bet they are just fooling you. Maybe they are just urban legends like Bigfoot and Nessie. You will be fine Arnold, don't be such a big baby about it," replied
Hae Min Lee, a senior and a well known athlete at Woodlawn High School was leaving school at 2:15 pm when she disappeared, her family knew something was wrong when her cousin's kindergarten school called them informing them about Hae not showing up. Hae’s parents informed the police about Hae’s disappearance.
Without forcing himself into her house, Friend used words, and threats, to lure Connie out. When Connie attempted to lock her door Arnold said, “But why lock it… It’s just a screen door. It’s just nothing.” (397).
Connie first encounters Arnold in a parking lot while she is out with her friends, but she does not yet know who he is. She notices him standing near his car, a gold colored convertible jalopy, staring at her. When she walks by he says he is going to "get" her, but Connie does not think anything of it and just turns away.
Arnold tries to take her for a ride in his car and at first, Connie believes that this is an act of harmless flirtation, so she plays along. Arnold was the type of guy she would normally go out with, she “liked the way he dressed” (409) and “She recognized...the singsong way he talked, slightly mocking, kidding, but serious and a little melancholy, and...the way he tapped one fist against the other in homage to the perpetual music behind him” (411), but something didn’t seem right with him. As the conversation progresses, Connie starts to realize that Arnold Friend knew all about her life even though they had never (apart from a brief meeting in a parking lot) had a conversation before this. He then demanded that she come with him, and threatened to come inside if she tried to call the
I became extremely uncomfortable with Arnold Friend the moment he pulled into Connie’s driveway and said, “I ain’t late, am I?” (592). Friend was a complete stranger to Connie. She did not know him, nor did she know what he wanted. She acted calm and unbothered, not showing one ounce of interest in him. Furthermore, Arnold
Ahh elementary, where kids like school and don't have to worry about failing algebra and can live life. Well except for this group of 6th graders at Jackson Elementary. These four kids loved to go out and get themselves into things. Everyday at recess the boys and girls would look out into the woods and just stare at this really nice house out in the middle of nowhere. There has been rumors going around for years and years saying that the house is extremely haunted and 10 years ago two kids were pronounced missing. The kids say that the two boys went to the house and were never seen again. The only people that are willing to believe this rumor are the two boys that made the rumor: AJ and Mike. Nobody believes this because AJ and Mike are
When Arnold Friend and Ellie arrive to Connie’s house she notices something strange about Arnold. For one, they pulled up in a bright gold car with writing all over it. His name is written on the car along with a grinning face with sunglasses and three random numbers. She notices that it looks as
“Some people say I was lucky to survive, other will say I deserved it for the choice I made. I’m here to say I was lucky, it’s never ok to say your life isn’t worth living even at your worst you can always look forward tomorrow will come and if you put your mind to it you’ll see that anything is possible.” – Stephen McGregor Professional Paralympian
Not too long after Arnolds first encounter with Connie, Arnold arrives at Connie’s house in his golden convertible, but
When they got there they got their hair was cut short and were dressed in uniforms. The girls and boys were separated. The days consisted of school and chores, they had barely any free time. If they weren't in school they were doing chores.
Arnold has shown himself as a very dangerous predator. “Aside from his dress and mannerisms, which eventually strike Connie as 'wrong', Friend is described as having a ‘nose long and hawk-like, sniffing as if she were a great treat he was going to gobble up.’ His ‘teeth were big and white’ just like the wolf in the cautionary tale of ‘Little Red Riding Hood.’ Charles Perrault's version of this fairy tale ends with the moral ‘Children, especially attractive, well bred young women, should never talk to strangers, for if they should do so, they may well provide dinner for a wolf.”(qtd. In Caldwell) Connie tries to call the police but she cannot and ends up trying to call for her mother but she is home alone. She was shaking and cannot dial the phone. One possibility is that this is a dream and she is seeing what will happen to her if she continues the path that she is on. In a dream you are not in control. You try to observe what is happening and see if you can understand what is going on. Arnold tells her what to do and she does it without any hesitation. She just obeys and does what he tells her to do. So she puts down the phone.
Which was the reason why I hated Eros. I hated that I loved him. I hated that his one glance on me could lift up my mood instantly. For the last six years, ever since Mom and I moved to New York, I have been madly in love with the most unreachable guy in our school.
"Wake up, partners," the trail boss, James called. I sleepily looked up , shivered, and saw I was the only one not up. "Here," James said, giving me the horses' bridles and saddles. "Take these and get the horses ready. We have a long day today." I groaned in reply and set up the horses for the day's long drag. I was the horse wrangler and this was my everyday job but I still couldn't get use to the idea of waking up before the sun and working. We drove the cattle into open plains against the winter's cold wrath.
“Clare, wake up or i’m turning all the lights on,” yelled my mom. I don’t think I sat up so fast in my life. “Good, now get ready for school, it’s your first day back, you have to make a good impression,” she said.
The intercom buzzer rings and the Mrs. Parks voice starts talking. “Students, we are now going to release everyone from school early and we want all of you to go home immediately and wait for your