
Say So Long To Soda

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We’re with you: Dieting is no picnic. But here’s a little secret — it’s not nearly as hard as most of us think. “A lot of women believe they need to change everything, but in reality small tweaks to your diet can make a huge difference,” says Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. We’ve got 21 absolutely painless little fixes, culled from the latest research and the country’s leading weight-loss experts, to make dropping those pounds as easy as 1, 2, 3, and beyond.

Change your mindset. Rather than ‘going on a diet, decide to change your lifestyle – permanently. As a result, you’ll eat differently, exercise more and have a better approach to health and wellbeing. But change doesn’t happen overnight, so give yourself time to adjust to your new way …show more content…

Other research suggests that artificial sweeteners may actually stimulate appetite, causing you to overeat. Instead, sip plain or sparkling water with lemon added for flavor.

Schedule a rest day Even the most dedicated of elite athletes take a break to allow mind and body a chance to relax and rejuvenate. You are far more likely to achieve long-term success if you pace yourself and work to a balanced exercise schedule. So take a day off and read a book, head to the movies or catch up with your girlfriends – and tell them it’s part of your fitness plan!

Pack in the Protein A University of Washington study found that doubling up on protein could help you eat less without feeling hungry. “Protein may make your brain more sensitive to leptin, a hormone that helps you feel full,” says study author Scott Weigle, MD, a professor of endocrinology at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Make sure at least a third of each meal and snack is a source of lean protein.

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