
Schema Theory

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Vaishnavi Mamillapalle Psychology HL Mr. Wilcox Schema Essay December 9th, 2012 Schema Theory Schemas are mental representation of knowledge built through experiences from people, situation or object. Schema Theory is divided into three stages to get a better understanding of the memory processes which are “1. Encoding- Transforming sensory information to meaningful memory 2. Storage- Creates a biological trace of the memory, which is either consolidated or lost 3. Retrieval- using stores information all the time”. “Schema is seen as a kind of framework where some information is filled in and others are left blank”. Schema theory tries to approach the analysis of the world from a psychologist point of view which …show more content…

It also showed that people who encoded information were irrelevant to their prevailing schema because people who had the buyer schema changed to burglar schema at encoding were able to retrieve burglar info when schema was changed and vice versa. Some evaluation that came up was that the participants were asked to read from only one perspective from two, and it was controlled and conducted in a lab. Also after the delay of 12 minutes participants were asked to recall the story again which would give more accurate results of what they are trying to find. This experiment helps to explain many cognitive processes. There were more and more researches took place on schema theory, another example is an experiment conducted by Bower et al which was called “The restaurant script”. In this experiment participants were asked to name 20 steps that would happen when they visit a restaurant. After this experiment was conducted he came to a conclusion that around 15 steps defined that most of the people what it means to eat at a restaurant. This steps list was later named by the restaurant script. They use this kind of script information to write stories about people going to eat at a restaurant. Later, these stories were presented to a new group of participants. These participants first had study the stories and later recall them. The findings of this research were interesting, they

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