
Scholarship Essay: To Be a History Professor

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Did you know that during the American Revolution when the American colonists were at war with the British the chance of the colonists of winning were like modern-day America going up against an American tribe? This is why I love History. With History, I am able to find out how the colonists beat such tremendous odds. I have been around colleges all my life. I love the atmosphere of colleges. Ever since I was little, I wanted to be a Professor. At the time, I didn’t know in what subject, but I did still set my mind to be a college professor. Now that I am older, I have shortened my list to History. With History, there is always something new to learn. If it’s from 1600 Europe or the Revolutionary War, there is always something new that I can learn from the subjects. The most major contest I have won for history was when I was in the 8th grade (Which was only a year ago). I got a letter in the mail stating that I was a one of the select few that got the opportunity to show my knowledge in History. I was chosen because my AP History teacher sent in one of my essays. The test was a 100 question test of the major events from the American Revolution to the Civil War. It asked questions like: Who founded the first colony in Georgia? (James Oglethorpe in 1733), or who was the editor of the abolitionists paper, The Liberator? (William Lloyd Garrison). We also had to take a Map, Charts and Graphing skills test, which would later average up with my

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