
School Attendance : A Safe Place For Students Essay

Satisfactory Essays

For centuries, schools have been known as a safe place for students to obtain proper education. However, as time has past more safety issues in schools have arisen throughout the globe. With schools falling on a decline quickly, more work needs to be done in order to provide safe places dedicated to learning. Doing this will benefit students, parents, and teachers extraordinarily. While safety in schools today is extremely important, it also influences all students in educational, social, and emotional ways. Attendance in school is a major factor in the safety of schools today. When students feel unsafe inside a school building, they are much less likely to attend. On average, nearly five to seven and a half million students miss nearly a month of school each year (“Facts about School Attendance” 1 ). Danger within schools can be evident, however it can also be created behind the scenes- hidden from the standard eye. Bullying, harassment, student insecurity, and discrimination also impact how safe a student feels at school. Experiences like these are often the opposite of pleasant, leading to many students not wanting it to continue. A leading cause of chronic absence is due to students feeling that the only way they can escape daily harassment, is not attending school. Lack of school attendance is a major issue, due to the fact that every day of school counts. When students miss consecutive days of school, they will fall behind their classmates. Workload will pile up,

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