
School Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

Initially, when I began this project, I applied to a school which I went to called Abington Senior High School. I wanted to observe at this school, so I could see my old teachers and learn from them again. Unfortunately, that did not happen. When I applied, I provided the school with all the necessary clearances and I sent an email to the head of the education department as they instructed. However, the department head did not respond to any of my emails.
After I waited for two weeks, I decided to apply to other schools. I remembered a school near my house called The Nexus school. On the school's website, I found the email address of the director of the school, Vicki West. I emailed Mrs. West asking if I could observe at her school. The next day, I received her email. In it, she graciously invited me to her school to observe. Her only condition was that I bring my clearances. Fortunately, I had the clearances on hand, I brought them over later that week. I was able to work out a schedule with Mrs. West of which I would come to the school on Monday and Friday at 1:30 pm to 3:00pm and observe. That Friday I began to observe at The Nexus school and the journey to complete my hours began.
Immediately when I began observing at the school Nexus I noticed that it was different from any other schools that I had been in before. It’s building was small and there were only twenty-six students at the school. This was different from the schools which I had attended before which had

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