
Science and Technology in World Agriculture

Decent Essays

In “Science and Technology in World Agriculture: Narratives and Discourses,” Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo persuades the experts in biotechnology that the World Bank can create a balance between conservative and radical parties. In order to reinforce his stance, Scandizzo uses various forms of evidence: the narratives of both parties, the description the ecological problems, and the World Development Report.
Scandizzo uses a description of the narratives of both conservative and radical parties to establish common ground amongst readers. This evidence is important because he realizes that his readers might come from either one of those parties. Therefore, Scandizzo creates a balance by equally providing evidence of narratives from conservative and radical parties. Providing a balanced narrative for both views effectively shows readers that Scandizzo values the neutral position between two opposing views. This is important to successfully gain attention from both types of readers to continue listening to what Scandizzo is saying. In telling the evidence of narratives from both sides, Scandizzo is more concerned with discussing both sides’ achievements in increasing the yield in agriculture. This is effective because it creates a dynamic in readers’ minds: Scandizzo can first boost readers’ confidence about their belief and, in turn, makes readers consider the achievements of the opposite parties, thus successfully establishing common ground. Before Scandizzo describes the

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