
Searle's Mind-Body Problem

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A problem that has given rise to many theories is the mind and body problem. The relationship between the mind and body or the consciousness and the brain theories attempt to explain the relationship between the two. I will explore John Searle’s claims and response to this issue.
The beginnings of the issues starts with two claims. One being the mental features of the brain arises out of the functional organization and does not apply to its parts. (Searle 148) The second being syntax is not enough for semantics, in other words the structure does not suffice for meaning. (Searle 152) John Searle’s take one on the issue is that the mind and body are not two different things, the mind is a feature of the body. The consciousness are caused by the brain.

The first claim is Searle’s suggestion for a relationship between the mind and the brain. The consciousness; the state of awareness, sensations and feelings is caused by the brain and created by it.
The consciousness allows for intentionality of actions such as speech, where we want to say something in a response to …show more content…

He is suggestion that it is impossible, because syntax is not enough for semantics. In other words, structure does not represent meaning. To prove this Searle constructs a thought-experiment known as the Chinese Room. An individual that understands English with no understanding of Chinese is put into a room with a book that is able to translate Chinese. They receive a letter written in Chinese and by following the book is able to send out a reply in perfect Chinese. By using this thought-experiment, Searle shows that structure does not represent meaning. The room is structured so that the individual seemingly knows Chinese, by being able to give a reply in Chinese, given that they were given a question in Chinese. However, at the end of the day the individual does not understand the meaning of the Chinese

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