Security requirements of the organization
First we will ensure that the system is physically secured. The room that will house the server will be in a secured area with multi-leveled security such as a keypad and additional locks. The room will have an air conditioner to ensure that the system remains cool and secured. Once the routers have been configured and secured, the next thing we will put in place is ACL list. This list would restrict movement and access to files that are not related to the job description. We will create restrictions that will apply to workstations and must have user authentication. Once the authentication is successful, those restrictions are then applied as Registry settings providing an efficient way to
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Any organization security requirements needed.
Hardening the network by conducting updating software and hardware to ensure the security of the system is an important part of network. Hardening involves an ongoing process of ensuring that all networking software together with the routers are password protected. These routers are updated with the latest vendor supplied patches and fixes. Since most routers and wireless access points provide a remote management interface which can be accessed over the network, it is essential that such devices are protected with strong passwords. There is also a need for a security plan that will ensure that the planned security controls are fully documented. It is the configuration management plan, contingency plan and the incident response plan, Security awareness, a training plan and the regulatory compliance.
Detailed suggestions of software, hardware and other security measures required.
We will use Avast antivirus, firewalls and strong passwords. Avast antivirus has a built in scan system that will scan all emails and incoming files. It has a program that warns against harmful sites and you can schedule full scans upon startup. It has real-time shields and a built in firewall for ultimate protection. Since firewalls act like filters, they will help monitor data traffic between your network and the internet. Most firewalls
Organizations should develop a security policy for the wireless LAN infrastructure prior to the implementation stage. In order to have a strong security policy,
Security is almost certainly the most difficult aspect of a network to perfect. It is important to have the correct procedures and components in place to make certain network security is being accounted for and addressed on any given network. The journal, “Future Generation Computer Systems” elaborates on this necessity for an information system. “Future Generation Computer Systems”, this component of a network is discussed thoroughly. “Essentially securing an Information System (IS), involves identifying unique threats and challenges which need to be addressed by implementing the appropriate countermeasures” (Dimitrios Zissis, Dimitrios Lekkas, 2012). This was achieved through configuring access lists as well as CHAP configuration on the routers connecting to the edge
All main networking, router, switches and servers will be in a closet that is only accessible to the networking team, this way it’s not
The particular operate on the firewall in a organization is actually in order that just about all unwanted things to do are usually impeded which includes cyberpunks that will get critical and also delicate information on the business. Hacking is a really unsafe exercising wherever offender may access quite information a business has and also use this information throughout blackmailing the business as well as customers. Marketing software’s additionally takes on a significant position throughout acquiring the businesses multilevel protection. It has got the features involving sensing infections that could invasion a corporation and also help to make a corporation shed its critical information. AVG is just about the best ensuring that multilevel protection is actually preserved. The virus separate from the virus that detects other virus’ have the ability to use web firewall and also find virtually any spyware and adware that an organization may be being affected by. It really is accurate that an organization will need to have both hardware components and
This is why I mentioned the above idea of getting a security device on all of your computers. There are multiple popular and free choices all you need to do is google, my personal favorite is McAfee which most of the time already comes on the computer. A popular and free choice is Microsoft Security Essentials. Just go onto the Windows website; protecting yourself from bad internet users can affect your business as they can create viruses and get into the work files. There are two network protocols that are used to manage devices and servers; they are called Secure Shell (SSH) and Telnet. SSH offers protection for users against anyone with bad intentions as it utilizes encryption to protect the traffic stream. Telnet has no security measures as it transmits all the data in plain text, including passwords. This is major security issue as a data sent in plain text can be captured in route and
Sadly, there is no way to alleviate the numerous amounts of threats that haunt networks and computers worldwide. The foundation and framework for choosing and implementing countermeasures against them are very important. A written policy is vital in helping to insure that everyone within the organization understands and behaves in an appropriate manner with regards to the fact that sensitive data and the security of software should be kept safe.
2. With the possibility of three business computers in his home, and all of his business records possibly vulnerable, this would be a good time to advise Bill on how to set up a routine plan to protect and defend his new network. Provide a list of the five most important concerns for safety and security of the network and the computers in the network. For each concern, specify the action to be taken, and if applicable, what software you recommend be added to the system. Justify each of your recommendations.
* Set up training program for all employees on network security policies and any new changes to network security.
Designing a working plan for securing the organization s information assets begins by creating or validating an existing security blueprint for the implementation of needed security controls to protect the information assets. A framework is the outline from which a more detailed blueprint evolves. The blueprint is the basis for the design, selection, and implementation of all subsequent security policies, education and training programs, and technologies. The blueprint provides scaleable, upgradeable, and comprehensive security for the coming years. The blueprint is used to plan the tasks to be accomplished and the order in which
Consequences of failing. The goals set the vision, and the objectives are the specific results that must be obtained to achieve success. Regardless of what the business assets that are to be secured, information or technical assets, physical plant, personnel, the organization must have a security strategy that can be implemented, measured, and revised as the business climate and operational environment change ( Caralli, 2004). Failing to ensure the safety of secured information can have devastating consequences. One great example, on September 16, 2010 one of the most prestigious hospitals in the
The reader will become familiarised with the term risk and it definitions from specifically the ISO 31000 standard of risk management and also the definition of risk from the criminology crime triangle. Which one of these two definitions that are the most suitable for usage within the security industry will be discussed and evaluated. How and why consequence is important when assessing risk priorities and determining where to allocate resources will be examined and answered.
Protecting yourself is only effective if you know what you are protecting your against and how to protect. There are a couple ways to start getting you more protected. The first is installing the default operating system. This would have a default password, no security patches and no virus protection. The second thing you don't want to do is use simple and common passwords like for example, password. In the 10 immutable laws below, one of the laws is someone is always trying to guess your password so make sure it's unique. A third suggestion would be to keep as many ports that you don't need closed and a firewall can do this which is covered in the 3rd section on Security Technologies. Finally, make sure you don't click on any email that you don't recognize or looks suspicions. Many viruses get spread by opening emails or clicking on the link inside. This rule would help decrease the spread
Security of a network is a huge issue with companies due to the sensitive information that the companies work with. One of the easiest ways of security the computer is to secure user accounts and people need to understand to never give out their passwords to anyone. Techs may ask for the user name to reset a person password but never give out the password. Social engineering activity lately has been increasing with attacker calling claiming to be an internet helpdesk or some sort of helpdesk. There are user authentication policies which can be created to help improve the network security. There are many password policies which can be set and enforced by Windows 7 or the network domain services which will help ensure the system is
A threat agent is the facilitator of an attack however; a threat is a constant danger to an asset.
In our network technology Server Hardening is one of the most important things to be handled on our servers, becomes more understandable when you realize all the risks involved. The default configuration of most operating systems are not designed with security as the primary focus. Now a days default setups are focus more on communications, usability and functionality. To protect our servers we must establish solid and sophisticated server hardening policies for all servers in our organization. Developing a server hardening checklist would likely be a great first step in increasing our server and network security. Make sure that our checklist includes minimum security practices that we expect of our staff.