
Seek Support In The Hispanic Community

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In the Hispanic community, people usually go to their natural support system before even considering going to a formal system to seek support. There are various reasons why people in the Hispanic community refrain from getting assistance from formal systems. One of the reasons why Hispanics refrain from using formal support is, the individual may be undocumented; therefore, they are unable to receive benefits and are afraid of being deported. They, being unable to receive benefits from formal systems, they go and seek support from their natural systems. Natural support systems differ from formal support systems because support that comes from a natural system is from our family, friends, clergy members, and maybe even co-workers. Support …show more content…

He then goes to his community to ask family members or close friends to help them out financially or emotionally. Rogers (2013) states that in stage seven of Erickson’s theory of psychosocial development “Adults are involved in investing in their work, families, communities, and future generations. Adults who are unable to do this never move past investing in themselves and are self-absorbed. They become stagnated and are unable to be productive for the sake of others” (p. 87). According to Erickson’s theory, Adults like Pepe are not thinking of themselves, they are investing in their family’s future, work, and community. According to Erickson’s theory, if Pepe is unable to come out of this situation, he might become stagnated and will be unable to provide for his family, community, and future generations. Most, if not all, communities around the world have some type of informal support system in place. In the article, The Interface between Professional and Natural Support Systems, Baker (1977) states, “In most communities there exists a network of individuals and groups who band together to help each other in dealing with a variety of problems …show more content…

Having a strong support system plays a role in the survival and success of this community. There is a lack of formal support for the Hispanic community, that is why they rely heavily on their informal support system. The formal support that is available is not culturally relevant to the Hispanic community. Barrio (2000) states, “When the objective is to design and provide services relevant to a particular culture, this process also appraises the fit between the service system and the unique ethnocultural qualities, needs, and expectations of the client system to be served” (p. 880). There is no such thing as a “one size fits all” formal support systems. We need to tailor to the specific community, in this case the Hispanic community, to meet their needs and expectations. Delgado and Humm-Delgado state that we as Human services workers must not diminish the importance of natural support systems, but we cannot use that as an excuse to say that they can support each other and do not need our support (p. 88). We must be client-centered and focus on what that particular individual needs, despite how strong their natural support is. Natural support systems are limited, they cannot provide essential medical assistance, stable income, and mental health services. We must utilize their support system to help us as Human services workers to better serve

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