
Seeking A Bigger And Better Deal

Decent Essays

Asking For More Customers make demands on the market by routinely expressing their desire for “more”. This has been called “seeking a bigger and better deal”. The demand is for more value, and more options. As they search the marketplace for its offerings, customers are often pleased to see new suppliers. They consider the new offerings, and make decisions about changing their purchasing habits. Making the decision to become a supplier for a demanded service or product is one of the initial steps in opening a business unit. Knowing the strength of the competition helps suppliers in developing a strategic business plan. A business plan is a well utilized tool in many economic decisions. Setting goals, such as, becoming the industry leader in five years has further impact on economic decisions. The decision of starting small, with very slow controlled growth verses starting out “big” influences how much initial capital has to be raised for a project. All businesses face constraints. The limiting factors of time, influence, money, and labor play a factor in economic decisions. At some point, a short term working plan is developed from the perspective of “what can we do with what we have currently”? Should we stay the course, or make some adjustments? These decisions are important to the health of the organization. Saturation points become very important considerations. Just like a pitcher of water can sustain only so much sugar in a solution before sugar crystals will fall

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