
Segregation And Social Mixing Analysis

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Bolt, Gideon, et al. "Housing Policy, (De)Segregation and Social Mixing: An International Perspective." Housing Studies, vol. 25, no. 2, Mar. 2010, pp. 129-135. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/02673030903564838. Gideon explains the history of segregation in housing in America, and how this segregation helped lead to the development of segregated communities. This separation was accomplished by making it hard for the poor, individuals of color, or other such persons into communities. The segregation of communities then made it easier for the better resources to go to the positive majority groups and lesser resources to go to the minorities. My point on the connection between community and education will be supported by this resource. Johnson, Odis. …show more content…

Retrieved from iew/1650131381?accountid=1170. Odis Johnson looks at the school systems in light of the Brown v. Board of Education. He explains how desegregation was attempted, but never fully engaged to the point where positive improvements could begin to survive. I hope to bring the information about the current segregation in schools and its effects on the testing scores of children in third grade. These results will assist in backing, my point that disadvantages affect a child’s education, therefore, the development which effects their future. Kelly, Hilton. "What Jim Crow's Teachers Could Do: Educational Capital and Teachers' Work in Under-Resourced Schools." Urban Review, vol. 42, no. 4, Nov. 2010, pp. 329-350. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s11256-009-0132-3. With the segregation in schools and the limitation of resources, there have been which have individuals dedicated their lives to underprivileged children. Hilton commends the actions of the unlikely giving of themselves for the betterment of another. While this is an honorable pursuit, leaving children with retired teachers, when they should be guaranteed the right to have teachers which are well trained and have the energies to properly teach them, is denying the children of their rights to an education the same as their privileged peers. While I support those who are taking action, this article will help me prove my point that not enough is being

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