
Self Analysis

Good Essays


The holidays have left me feeling weaker and more exhausted and stressed, my sister is killing me, and the impending medical stuff is taking me to a deeper level of stress.

1) I enjoy Xmas and NY, where I even dragged myself out and hung out with my cousins and sisters at my cousin's house. It was nice, and even though I can't drink, I enjoyed watching my middle-aged cousins embarrass themselves:P

2) I applied for twenty craigslist jobs and one sent me a response, but they want to discuss a move to Atlanta only, which they say is a better fit if I would like to apply for. I asked for a few days to mull over it. I'll be real and say, it scares me to death, I didn't flat out say no but the thought of moving across the country …show more content…

or if my body, body language was signaling my gender, sexuality. I know I didn't deserve these pervs, jerks disturbing verbal and attempted assaults, but I realized the anger against these men for exposing my secret feelings when I was trying so hard to hide.

I guess I blamed myself and tried to hide any feminine behaviors and created self-hatred of my inner self.I know I'm weak, and scared of guys, even though I'm attracted to them. I realized all of my male friends in my life have always been alpha, dominate guys; I seek that out because I feel safer with them than alone. I don't feel safe, I realize I never feel safe unless a man is with me, I feel weak and unable to defend myself. I hate feeling weak, this equal being feminine. My family didn't raise me this way, they, therefore, wouldn't accept me.

The other question: then follows:
I realized I'm weak, unable to care, defend myself. basically, I'm useless, and therefore the only people who'd ever love me is my family. If I act feminine or accept my gender feelings, they'd desert me and I'd die alone and unloved because I'm such an imperfect person already.

I envisioned my mom, always berating my sisters and me, always telling us, 'why couldn't we act as polite and friendly like her friends' children, be as talkative and successful like their kids. I recalled dreading going to any of her friends' house, it always leads to a lecture about 'why didn't we act this way", or smile, or do

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